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Everything posted by Chadatog

  1. I mean he kind of already has considering the state of wild fires, hurricanes, tornados, and floods in the US.
  2. Yeah I had a co-worker with Type 1 and when he dropped too low was when he would seem drunk. It was like negotiating with a toddler to go up to the break room and eat something. He would get this big goofy grin on his face and sit down on the floor refusing to move.
  3. Considering how all in on Hydroxychloroquine the right went after Trump talked about it, I'm thinking you are going to have to pay up.
  4. We just got back a package we sent out to my sister in law in mid December. It was short by $3.15 in postage. What is preventing them from billing us the difference, they know where we live and that we intended the package to get to its destination?
  5. wait that was the finale, they should of just called it 5a and 5b, I was still waiting for more to happen.
  6. I think the SA and SA adjacent countries will be content with not pushing Israel into the sea, for now.
  7. I'm actually fine with them actually passing things through the senate. It would just be more to show people how dogshit their policies actually are when you can tie something that is hurting someone to an actual vote that their representative cast.
  8. Shows how much you know, a Chad would never not capitalize a Chad.
  9. It's a crime that no one has touched Great Glass Elevator. I loved that book.
  10. I just listened to the whole thing, man that was exhausting. I don't know how the Georgia side of the call didn't do the "we are loosing you Mr. President ....... going .......... tunnel ......... (dial tone)" after the first few minutes.
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