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Everything posted by Iculus

  1. The WH task force is now asking the cdc to run models that look at the data from opening one time zone at a time. lol we are so fucked. I could feel the eye rolls over the conference call.
  2. Louder for the people in the back - THEY'RE FUCKING STUPID! I'm not in the let them die group, but holy fuck do they make themselves hard to root for.
  3. I woke up to a perfectly healthy looking (young, no visible trauma) dead cat on my driveway this morning. The plague is real!
  4. It's impossible to know, really. Eventually, enough of us will die that it makes it difficult to spread it to others. Silver linings and shit...
  5. I was actually born, and still live in Atlanta. The actual unis look pretty awesome. The digital mock-ups are weird looking.
  6. This movie messed me up big time. I'm not entirely sure why. It probably wouldn't have been nearly as disconcerting without subtitles. I watched it by myself, during the day, and had to walk around the mall for a bit after it was over.
  7. You'd get fucked eventually. To hell with a rent strike (por que no los dos). We need an organized healthcare strike.
  8. My wife is nodding in agreement. It's basically impossible to create accurate models because we just don't have enough data. She's created a few that are absolutely terrifying, while others are only mildly horrific.
  9. We just ran out of paper towels, and toilet paper (12:00). Over the last couple of weeks they haven't lasted beyond 8:45. I guess they've ran out of room to store it. We are also definitely slower after 10am. Traffic is still bullshit, though.
  10. I work at Target, so I just grab what I need when I get off. I've also become a personal shopper for as many people as I can. I have to be out in this shit, so I'm doing my best to reduce the risk for others. Starting tomorrow they are letting us shop an hour before the store opens on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Hit me up for TP lol
  11. I've also moved out of my house in order to reduce the exposure risk to my family. I have some friends that have a cabin in North GA, that decided to shelter there. I'm staying in their empty house for now.
  12. I guess. At this point I just feel like I'm putting my self at risk in order to entertain disaster tourists. We are Pamplona when the doors open. These people are desperate, and are actually shopping for need. After that though, it's just a bunch of bored assholes.
  13. At least they are paying us an extra $2/hr to die. So I've got that going for me.
  14. I just received a letter from my employer that states that I have an essential job. I'm supposed to keep it in my car just in case I get pulled over. What a time to be alive.
  15. I have a couple of friends that work in a DC in Atlanta. They told me that they've done basically nothing.
  16. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/03/24/amazon-warehouse-workers-coronavirus-positive/
  17. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2020/mar/10/reply-alls-the-case-of-the-missing-hit-could-this-be-the-best-podcast-episode-ever
  18. Yep. It's stupid. That's where my Target is located. Yay me!! At least they are paying us an extra $2/hour...
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