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Everything posted by Iculus

  1. It is super foggy at the moment, because most of the casualties have occurred in China. If their reporting is accurate then it doesn't appear so. There are several countries that have completely cut off inbound flights from China. Now people are just taking one way flights to Japan, and then traveling to other destinations. So yeah, you don't necessarily want potentially infected people in your country, but at least they were being tracked before the bans. (I haven't seen my wife today, and they just started getting enough data to make competent models. I'll ask for clarification when i get home)
  2. Accurate. And they are still working around the clock with international agencies in order to figure out the best ways to proceed. All of this coordination is being done with zero top down organization. Hug a scientist... (I haven't posted much because I haven't seen my wife in 10 days)
  3. I read (most) of the books and saw the movie when I was around 10 years old. All that I remember are giant worms, spice, "fear is the mind killer", Sting, (and maybe?) weird flying fat men.
  4. He was good at sports, and also violently forced himself on another person. Hard to argue with 5 rings though.
  5. Legend - Mom, dad, don't touch it.... It's evil - Ice Pirates- Krull - The Beastmaster - I'm pretty sure that these are just 80's movies that I watched a lot. But it was a fun search regardless...
  6. I live in Atlanta. Chic-fil-a is too damned busy here for me to bother. There is a location on N. Druid Hills that has three drive thrus, a walk up window, and zero inside dining. "Order with the app and receive a free side of homophobia covered in subtle racism"
  7. Fear Inoculum - Adam Jones is the weak link here. Chamberlain and Carey are rock solid, but like most rythm sections, they just want to beat the shit out of things. Maynard's participation being so after the fact is tragically noticeable. Some of the tracks are fine but (hot take) 10,000 Days is better. Jones is Tool as much as anyone else, but it would be cool if they would introduce another solid creative influence with Maynard being so busy.
  8. At this point they are assuming that this virus is similar (they all appear to originate from bats, though MERS had camels as a secondary reservoir) to SARS/MERS with regards to most measurables. SARS and MERS have an incubation period of 14 days, and can "live" on surfaces for at least 48 hours. The UGA Center for the Ecology of Infectious Diseases has been working almost nonstop to develop appropriate models for this outbreak. They are really good at what they do...
  9. We've recalled all nonessential diplomatic personnel. There are well over 100 cases being monitored. The flight that is believed to be responsible for the case in Washington has had spillover into Mexico and Canada. There have been confirmed infections in 4 of the 6 WHO territories, and they aren't scheduled to meet again until Thursday. This will almost certainly be a pandemic by then.
  10. At this point China has effectively quarantined %6 of it's population. That is absolutely insane. They are back to thinking that this is new, and not a strain that was previously undetected. @CayceG Texas A&M has a potential case. The patient is currently quarantined in his dorm room. Still nothing about TTU.
  11. All that I know is that there are 12 more potential cases waiting to be tested that have a high likelihood of being positive. If I hear anything more specific I'll pass it on.
  12. I've only been told one thing that I wasn't allowed to share, and it isn't even relevant anymore. I just happen to be married to the lead CDC modeler working this outbreak, so I get breaking news in real time. lol Edit - it would also be risky to publish any of this without vetting it first. There are currently a lot of moving parts. All of these groups are currently collaborating without much organization because of the WHO's reluctance to call this a PHEIC.
  13. She is currently running point on a conference call with disease modelers from all over the world. I should have some interesting data to share later today. There is about to be 12 more confirmed cases in the US.
  14. we started dating her freshman year, and then she stayed in school for 10 more years. The original plan was for me to work while she was in school and then I would go to school when she was finished. She never finished lol
  15. It appears to be more contagious, but yes. There are already reports of 2nd and 3rd generation human to human infections. This is bad because it's more communicable than originally thought. It doesn't appear to have mutated. So we have that going forjedi us. Edit - Don't ask me to explain any of this because I have zero idea. My wife has a PhD, and I work at target lol
  16. Yep. The outrage is beyond ridiculous. They cheated, were caught, and punished. Welcome to every level of sports. It's time to move on. At least McCann and Gattis got rings (along with any other former Braves I'm excluding)
  17. Seattle is the 5th largest point of entry, and is currently unmonitored. Good luck to the PNW. (they have a q-station. They just aren't trained for this)
  18. Yeah, this is bad. CBP are now telling the CDC that they need to start screening at every point of entry for all of China (just over 500,000 individuals/month). And the WHO still hasn't declared this a PHEIC.
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