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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. After a quick Google search, lol like, none of those hypoallergenic dogs are even close to common(and not ITT), but I bet 100% they still put out an obvious odor. Definitely feels like a lie dog owners tell themselves. Especially considering that hypoallergenic pets still set off allergies.
  2. I'll believe it when I don't smell it! As in, so far, I have yet to enter the home of a dog owner and not smell dog.
  3. As someone who has had a dog for the majority of my life, I don't recommend dogs as pets. Don't get me wrong, dogs are very loveable and I loved my dog, but it is also nice to not have to take care of a creature that demands so much time and attention. Your house will always smell like dog too. You may go nose blind to it, but to everyone else, it is obvious no matter what. Also, your dog needs to take a shit in a blizzard? Welp, now you gotta go out in it. It is a massive commitment that will end in tears. I was happy to have a dog, but never again.
  4. @best3444 Ok, I have a game on my list now
  5. I recall enjoying DOS1's combat, but I could not get into the story and I hated the dual main character thing. I just wanted my created character to be the special boy with the powers. I didn't bother getting DOS2 because it didn't seem like your created character had any relevance and that ugly lizard was the real MC. This is why The Dark Urge appears like it might be right up my alley.
  6. OK, ok, so the water lord is kind of a halfway point. I was thinking there was only one place left to go after that. Glad I was wrong. One thing that kinda sucks tho now is that combat is extremely samey and battles are pretty long and it isn't like FF16 where you have cutscenes mid-fight. Sure, I could use new artes but the more you use an arte the more it ranks up. I mean, I'm using everything I have bound, but I'm not really changing anything unless it is to exploit weakness. I thought I was near the end because I am past the average time to beat at 50 hours and I have only just gotten all the master cores. Of course, I have done all the side quests. I wonder what I'm doing that is taking me so long. It is just that I'm playing on hard? I have grinded a little, but never for longer than 30 minutes, and like, I'm still only just matching the current boss's level so I'm clearly not grinding that much.
  7. When you always go white human male with brown hair and blue eyes, the creation part goes pretty fast. Sometimes I go gray or black hair or green eyes tho.
  8. I wouldn't really be interested in min-maxing with racials, and since this is a video game it is probably pretty safe to pick your favorite race + class I'd imagine. Interested in either a human barb or human/half-elf storm sorc. Warlock seems like it has melee potential, and I'd be more interested in playing a type of unholy paladin so to speak. Tho, a half-elf wizard seems very cool too. The Dark Urge seems very interesting and I might be inclined to pick that rather than a full of custom character. Not really sure how much story a custom character gets and I will always care more about my custom PC than some premade. e:
  9. I've never played a BG, I'm not too interested in this cuz I kinda don't like the characters I have seen so far, but I have heard you can kill off anyone you don't like immediately so that raises my interest. Definitely one of those games where I'm waiting for spoilers so can make an ideal play-thru should the spoilers make the game seem worth playing at all.
  10. cuz it's not about big hairy sweaty men killing other big hairy sweaty men, dood also It's disgusting. I don't know what is worse, that or Hrothgar
  11. bout time i got a 3er Wordle 760 3/6* ⬛⬛🟨🟨🟨 🟨🟩🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
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