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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. Dreamcast, Wii, 360... That is it.
  2. That is dumb as there has only been one grey PS. Th rest have been black, even the handhelds. This is not counting special edition consoles. And I also owned a PS1 as my first sony console.
  3. No you won't. I listen to the podcast. Sorry, Sully. Also your Name is Sully, D1P name is Victor, you are literally him.
  4. Holy shit. Now this is a theme.
  5. Will(William). Something of a Main character but you may not realize it. You haven't had an extraordinary amount of lovers but you really cared about the few that you have had. Especially that crazy one.
  6. I could not finish Bravely Default. And its ending + the second game turned me off from ever doing so.
  7. AKA the most autistic and degenerate even of the summer.
  8. Oh dang. The second demo was taken off the store? Any idea what unlocked from that?
  9. Man I hate hearing that there is no space for them. Not indie not AAA so there is no room. I am not saying that isn't true, I mean it is shit that it is true. That in between area is probably the best area for games.
  10. CODE VEIN and RDR2. Not sure about anything else ATM. I will be getting SSBU but I am not really looking forward to it. I don't mean that negatively, but it is just the Wii U version with every single Smash fighter. It isn't a big change up, this is just Nintendo's version of Ultra Street Fighter IV while Smash for Wii U was base Street Fighter IV. Not sure about Spiderman yet. The gameplay wasn't spectacular looking.
  11. Cuntney, I mean Courtney.... Wait you are not a girl. Lemme see. @Minnesota Fatz sounds like a Pedro.
  12. Oh. Well then. I just assume I don't get my point across often cuz it sure feels that way IRL.
  13. What Jason said is kinda what I wanted to say with but I suck at words. Like it being the default means every person who made an account and then never posted is using the snes them.
  14. That is where you are wrong. Retro looks more like SNES. If the blue was changed to purple it would look almost like an SNES theme. And the SNES them looks more like Sony. The current PS theme reminds me more of the dreamcast than the playstation. Change it to green and it is xbox. I understand that the theme is based off of the PS1, or I assume it is, but I associate PS with black. Also this would make a killer theme if done right.
  15. @Emblazon IIRC it was kinda like this minus the dark blue areas. Maybe @Anzo or @Biggie can confirm
  16. Jeff. Probably a bit nerdy, but IRL you are just one of the boyz. People know you play games but they don't think of you as a hard core gamer. Whether you are or not, they won't know.
  17. I have been hella lazy and haven't tried the demo
  18. You are most definitely a Steven, who goes by Steve at the office, but called Steven by family. You may or may not be a cool guy and your name may be based more off your avatar than your post history...
  19. TBH, that IS what I had in mind, but not a white Mike, a black Mike. And it isn't that common for me. I only personally knew 1 person who goes by Mike. But something about you smells like you'd be a black Mike and I know 0 black Mikes. If that isn't good enough I can think of another. Like, Brandon is pretty good too. It does kinda piss me off that best came in and did that. Cuz I already knew what I was going to name you when I made this thread. I was just waiting for you to post. Edit 2: As a Mike, you probably like Hockey, but will at least like a sport no matter what. Edit: What best did was also a very fucking Kevin thing to do.
  20. Zak. I have a friend named Zak would agree with what you just said. He also plays the bass, which is fitting when your name is spelled Zak.
  21. Get Halloween licence and change Jason to Mike, and make new maps.
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