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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. YOU RAT BASTARDS WE WERE SO CLOSE TO KILLING EX4 FUCKING UNPLANNED MAINTENANCE (it was planned but I didn't find out until today)
  2. Bacon

    *stabs Nokra*

    I admit I am sucker for drama and do like to see it play out, but I'll make an honest effort to report a mess before it gets out of hand.
  3. Bacon

    *stabs Nokra*

    I guess it does. I honestly assume a mod or higher generally sees that stuff and has already made a ruling on it. Kinda like today. By time I already noticed the drama, Nokra brought out the broom.
  4. Bacon

    *stabs Nokra*

    I remember. What I would like is stuff like that to just get instantly deleted. Pizza Friday was a good thread.
  5. Bacon

    *stabs Nokra*

    There are some good posts tho. Like, maybe if it was called the "blogpost board" or the "Life" board such things wouldn't happen. Like, Wordle and Pizza Fridays belong on a board like this and not really anywhere else. A place to post lighthearted to more personal and serious topics or just questions that don't don't really fit anywhere else.
  6. Bacon

    *stabs Nokra*

    I would say that you were antagonizing Best. Making the thread about Best paying your hospital bills, asking for money in his thread, and when he did say, "Fuck off." your response was further antagonizing with a gif.
  7. Bacon

    *stabs Nokra*

    Yep. Best deleted it tho, not a mod. As I said, asking for money from best seems antagonizy. Shit's been going on for years tho for anyone who doesn't know. @Commissar SFLUFAN if you don't what I'm posting posted then just delete, but here is shit from discord from 2018 lol. Shit ain't gotten any better or different. Some pretty harsh shit in here btw.
  8. Bacon

    *stabs Nokra*

    Oh. Think of the shower like part litter box. Without the litterbox, the cats would just shit all over the place.
  9. Bacon

    *stabs Nokra*

    I mean, most of us are pretty good. And like, if you mostly stick to gaming, there ain't much drama there unless I go on a rant about something stupid. It is really just like the same 3-4 people perpetuating a cycle. And most people don't want to go anywhere else nor is there really anywhere else to go that isn't a hellscape.
  10. I mean, I played 1-3 and enjoyed them. But yeah, I have no real interest in this game. I just watched MOONMOON play it start to finish. That's why I really only judging the story.
  11. I mean, kinda, but not really in the same way people play something like RDR2 for the story. With a few exceptions, if a single player game doesn't have a decent enough story I won't want to play it.
  12. I watched the entire game be played and it was not very great imo. The story I mean. But Synthetic Man is such a whiny bitch who makes wish you had different opinions when his critiques line up with your. He isn't anyone worth watching.
  13. Mods should be immune and maybe this new feature could not apply to the gaming section
  14. It is a bit much and pushes "higher quality" topics off the the Newest Threads widget.
  15. Hope it is as good as the first. It is a great movie. One of the few movies I have watched more than once.
  16. I guess a sick joke makes the best kind.
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