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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. Never played Tarkov but I found this video interesting albeit not surprising. Guy's voice is meh tho. Ain't no NKB.
  2. I got two things to say. 1. My thread is V A S T L Y S U P E R I O R 2. ME2 is the weakest of the trilogy. It has the least fun gameplay.
  3. On desktop, you can just hover over a username and it brings up a little gamercard that has an ignore button.
  4. never have still got my og leg hairs don't @me with some nonsense how those aren't the same hairs
  5. You can still block 90% of that noise. It shouldn't matter if one person gives in. You have the main offender blocked. What I have stated works very well and it is only when you ignore everything you have setup to ignore another user that it really fails. The toddler's screams are silent to you. All you'd be hearing are the adults screaming back. And if you think a thread is going sideways attempt to bring it back. You don't have to engage in that conversation. If what you have to say is worth talking about it will be talked about regardless of the shit being slung in the middle. While not at troll, the old adage works. Don't feed the troll. If you feel that isn't enough, then I don't know what to tell you.
  6. Didn't know you were considering it. Glad you are going to stay. Ignoring users really does work. Sure, it isn't perfect, but it works for just about everything when you take Ublock O into account. There might even be a way to hide quotes considering that quoting a user puts in their User ID info, but I have found it easy to skip over anything so I have never tried. Of course you'll still be seeing the response, but without the quoted user. I think the only thing you can't truly block anymore are reactions and that is because Invision has no idea how to make a good decision. Of course, you could just block that whole element as well, but I want that sweet sweet D1P Karma.
  7. I understand being upset. But anyone who is engaging with demut and getting upset about it is doing so of their own volition. If you don't like someone, just block them. That's what I have done in the past with a handful of users. I even have it so Ublock Origin hides the "you have chosen to block this content" or however it reads so I really never seem them post unless they make a tread or they are quoted. If you are on mobile get firefox and use that to browse the boards as you can use UBO with FFM. Just block them. Over the years, it is crazy how many people have decided to leave over one user or another when they could just block a user. Like, do you feel like you have lost at a game and must hide in shame if you block someone? I get that blocking someone isn't the same when you feel like "this town ain't big enough for the both of us" - when you feel like it is the morally correct choice to ban someone, but that is really just on you and I have felt that way at times. I get that maybe you don't wanna feel left out of part of the conversation, but trust me, you really won't feel left out of anything if a person is bothering you that much. Maybe even seeing others interact with that user will bother you, but for that there isn't much I can say. I like tufkak, don't wanna see'em go, but choosing to leave when you can just block is absurd to me.
  8. New binging with babish video has a Hogwarts sponsor. Sort comments by new and enjoy the bickering between both sides.
  9. I've only have had some kind of Red Velvet cake-like cookie sandwich and I didn't like it. Yellow with chocolate frosting or Chocolate with white or chocolate frosting is the way to go. I actually prefer a denser cake like a pound/loaf cake tho. Haven't actually had any cake in a while. Cake, while not bad, is almost the worst dessert. I'd rather have brownies, cinnamon rolls, cookies, or donuts. Most pie is worse than cake for me but I'd rather have an oreo pie over any cake but cake over any other pie. I also do not like cream cheese frosting.
  10. I also seek a second term as US president, but I haven't even gotten one term!
  11. No it doesn't. The QTE boss fight (no spoilers just in case) in RE4 was great. Loved it. The only bad QTEs were any boulders after the first.
  12. I feel fucking robbed Wordle 615 3/6* 🟨🟨⬛🟩⬛ 🟩🟨⬛🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  13. No clue if it matters, but TEW and TEW2 have different directors. Shinji Mikami is listed as EP for the last three games Tango put out.
  14. I remember the post with the frogs that formed a big square of blinding color.
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