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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. 'Conflicted Congress': Key findings from Insider's five-month investigation into federal lawmakers' personal finances WWW.BUSINESSINSIDER.COM Insider's new investigative reporting project reveals the depths of lawmakers' conflicts-of-interest, potential self-dealing, and violations of a federal corruption law. At least 182 high-ranking congressional staffers have violated a federal conflict-of-interest law with overdue disclosure of their personal stock trades WWW.BUSINESSINSIDER.COM Watchdog groups say the trend shows Congress isn't taking the STOCK Act seriously. 49 members of Congress have violated a law designed to stop insider trading and prevent conflicts-of-interest WWW.BUSINESSINSIDER.COM Insider has identified numerous members of Congress who've violated the transparency provision of the STOCK Act, which requires timely reporting of their stock trades. Meet the 25 wealthiest members of Congress WWW.BUSINESSINSIDER.COM Insider calculated the wealth of each member of Congress based on their most recent personal financial filings.
  2. A closer look at Horizon Forbidden West’s new Slitherfang, Rollerback, and Sunwing Machines BLOG.PLAYSTATION.COM New video focuses on some of the awesome, mechanised beasts you’ll encounter on February 18.
  3. I enjoyed it VASTLY more than I thought I would! It's definitely not on par with the Jedi Knight series, but it was a REALLY admirable first effort by Respawn!
  4. I really don't believe that a comparison can effectively be made in this way between a Westminster-style parliamentary system (where the PM is the party leader) such as the one in Canada and whatever the hell it is that passes for a government in the United States.
  5. Yeah, I'm all-but-convinced that the White House just threw up its hands and called Schumer to take it off the table.
  6. Can't see shit And quite frankly, many of the stories I'm seeing on the CNN homepage right now I do consider to be more significantly relevant than Omicron.
  7. Now I reeeeeaaaaaaly gotta wonder if the Biden administration itself gave tacit approval for this to happen considering all the "inflationary pressure" it's been under within the last few weeks.
  8. Yeah - I'm not sensing a lack of Omicron information on my end either, at least from the news sources I regularly consume. It doesn't need to be the "leading story" in the mainstream press for its relevance to be present.
  9. Looks like Embracer is diversifying into the tabletop gaming market.
  10. New video previews: Kung-fu beat 'em up Sifu only gets better with age WWW.ROCKPAPERSHOTGUN.COM We got hands-on with an early slice of kung-fu brawler Sifu and came away impressed by its aging system, which adds complexity to its combat. Hands on with kung-fu game Sifu, where you can grow old and die before finishing your quest WWW.CNET.COM The martial arts action brawler coming to PlayStation 5 and PC balances slick combat with a thoughtful, yet brutal approach to player progression. Exciting 2022 brawler Sifu is as tough as I'd hoped | PC Gamer WWW.PCGAMER.COM Our first hands-on demo of the singleplayer kung-fu game. Sifu's pure kung-fu combat makes you feel like a master (Eurogamer) Sifu’s stunning martial arts combat will appeal to a generation of kung fu fans WWW.THEVERGE.COM These hands are rated E for everyone. Sifu Hands-On: Where Age Affects Gameplay in a Unique Way - IGN WWW.IGN.COM Sifu Preview -- Kick, Punch, It's All In The Mind - GameSpot WWW.GAMESPOT.COM We got hands-on with the upcoming beat-'em-up from Absolver developer Slocap. Sifu's Kung Fu Fighting Has Already Swept Me Off My Feet | Digital Trends WWW.DIGITALTRENDS.COM In a 30-minute long preview, Sifu has proven that it should be on everyone's radar for great games coming in 2022. 'Sifu' is the 'Dark Souls' of punching WWW.INVERSE.COM 'Sifu' delivers satisfying combat with a unique aging mechanic, truly evolving the beat 'em up genre. Sifu (for PC) Preview WWW.PCMAG.COM Sifu is a surprisingly robust and thoughtful action game that hearkens back to the quarter-munching arcade days of old, and Capcom’s cult classic, God Hand. Sifu Preview – Beating up an entire bar never gets old when it feels this good WWW.THESIXTHAXIS.COM Die and keep trying.
  11. The latest speculation is that the person in the prison cell at the end of the trailer whose dialogue we hear is
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