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John Lewis has passed away

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On 7/18/2020 at 6:35 PM, ort said:

Hey, the comments are back on...


This is a sampling from the first page of comments... I didn't even have to look hard. This is the first page. I deleted the boring and tasteful ones.... it was about 50% of them. This is the other 50%...



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With all due respect, if John Lewis did so much for blacks, why are millions of them living in Democrat run cities destroying themselves with their own destruction pathologies? Shouldn't he have encouraged them to get a good education, stay away from drugs, stay out of trouble with the police and to not have children outside of marriage. Now, THAT would have made him a REAL leader in the black community because millions of blacks would be much more successful.

Another black person famous for getting beat at a riot.

Another loud mouth mouthed , grandcstanding pocket filler Politician gone to his great reward . Haste le Vista

The poster boy for term limits.

BLM has set back race relations for 70 years, people all over the world no longer sympathize and respect blacks, it will  harm blacks, the result will gradually appear in the next 70 years.

Lewis was a great civil rights activist, but a terrible politician. RIP Lewis. MLK Jr. was rolling in his grave at the racist you had become, but it is sad you lost the battle to cancer.

Democrats keep their "disenfranchised minorities" on a leash with their welfare policies. As long as these “minorities” are kept poor and dependent on their handouts; Democrats can count on their votes. And the final stroke of Democrat genius is to utilize mass liberal media into misdirecting the anger of these impoverished “minorities” towards the “racist” Republicans.

Beware of false prophets Democrat-voter. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. (PS. Your socialist Pelosi's net worth is in the hundreds of millions).

Look at the violence all around our country... As 3rd Chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, I don’t think he did so well.

This man or whatever he is makes me want to throw up.  He's part of the left sewer.

Goodbye to another race baiting dem
Good riddance you dumb n

I dare liberals like 0bama, 0prah, and Beyonce to put their money where their mouths are and move to a black neighborhood. Theres a reason people like them live in white neighborhoods. Lol!

        What skills do you possess that qualify you to serve as a U.S house Representative ? 
        Got skull cracked open by a policeman's baton.
        Maybe all the 'peaceful rioters' are just auditioning for a job.

The man made a living out of race, kind of like Sharpton.

So many bigots on the DNC side, particularly within the Black Caucus.  It's too bad that this man turned into a partisan hate-monger before his death.  May he rest in peace, at last.

Helped "his people" stay enslaved to the government, pathetic job John.

Looks like another Criminal Black Racist Crack-smoking Democrat Leader is gone.

Pour some malt liquor on the ground and call it a day.

Hope Crooked Hillary is paying attention. Although she is probably drunk and passed out.




But yeah, racism isn't a problem anymore, clearly all these people out in the streets are just race baiting whiners looking for free stuff...


On 7/18/2020 at 8:24 PM, Jason said:


I'm sure at least SOME of those are from real people, but the problem is it's impossible to know how much of it is bots/trolling trying to egg people on.


Bots exacerbate the issue, but real people definitely believe this shit in astonishing numbers, and I don't doubt they believed before bots were commonplace because of the shit rhetoric they hear on TV.  Here are the comments from a local news station about the funeral...





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I know there are a lot of bots on Fox News... but it ain't all bots.


And there are real humans who work at Fox News who 100% know exactly what goes on in the comments on every single story they post and allow it to continue without doing a thing.


It's there very much on purpose. The article at the top is the watered down public facing version of their opinion, and then the comments section serves as the raw exposed id of the conservative mind.


If Fox News didn't want us seeing all that stuff, they would stop putting it there. They know what it is and they want the world to see it. It's choice they have made and continue to make.


They can make all the excuses they want about that just being an open forum for communications and they how they don't condone everything... but they know what it is. They know what goes on down there on the anus of the internet. They know, and it's not that they don't care... because I think they do. They know what it is and that's exactly what they want it to be.


There is a poisonous cancerous ugly rot within the right wing and they don't care. They embrace it and flaunt it. They don't care.


They don't care about anything but keeping republicans in power. They stand for nothing. Standing with Trump for the last 4 years or whatever has proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt.


They're all playing a game and they don't give two fucks about anything at all beyond being rich at the expense of anyone in their way. They don't fucking care about immigration or black people or statues or voter fraud or anything at all. It's all just a big smokescreen of bullshit to cover for their get rich schemes. That's their whole platform.


Donald Trump would march every single one of his supporters into a slaughterhouse and have them ground into a paste if it would make him a few bucks and he didn't have to suffer any consequences from it.


The men and women who have lined up to support him might not be as brazen as he is, but by enabling a madman idiot they are just as culpable for all of the blood on his hands.



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16 hours ago, cusideabelincoln said:

There's so many people and articles criticizing Obama for making his speech political. Lololololol


It's funny because Obama's version of "being political" is trying to help people.


He's being political! He wants people lives to improve! What an ass!

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Those same shameless republicans who were calling him a hero are the same EXACT people he needed to become a hero to fight.


Today, they are the ones with the firehoses and batons and they lack the self awareness to see what side of history they are on. They are currently cheering on the beatings of the future John Lewis' of the world and they are too fucking stupid to even see it.

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