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Legends of Tomorrow season 4 starts Monday!

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4 hours ago, Jose said:

Are you guys fucking with me. Season 1 was very forgettable. Is it really worth it to pick this up up?

Season 1 is really anchored by its commitment to the shows that fed into it, and it suffers as a result. I don't think it's BAD, it's just pretty standard CW / DC hero stuff.


Season 2 they leaned into the stuff that worked in season 1 and ditched the baggage.


Season 3 they fully realized its potential as a time travelling superhero buddy comedy.


That being said, you do need to be on board with a show really embracing how dumb its concept is and poking fun at those implications as like... the crux of the whole thing. If you find that kinda thing exhausting, just don't even bother.


Honestly the "plot" of season 3 is kinda not the point, so if you wanna know if the show is gonna go someplace you'll like and you don't care about spoilers as to who ends up fucking who or who ends up on the team... just watch the first episode of season 4. If you fancy that, it's worth the ride, if you think it's the stupidest thing you've ever seen, don't watch seasons 2 and 3.

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