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XxEvil Ashxx's Motivational Backlog Purge / Piggy Bank Funding Gimmick - The Virtual 100 | Games 19, 20 & 21

XxEvil AshxX

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So here's the deal. I am seriously thinking of delving into the VR realm and purchase myself a headset. Before now, the VR thing was always something I was kind of interested in, but I didn't think the tech was quite there yet, or whatever. I was waiting for the PSVR2 but it didn't land with quite the splash I was expecting, and Sony seems to kind of forgotten about it.


But the Meta Quest 3 just released and it's looking pretty damn tempting. It has an AR function as well and if it's done right, could be the HoloLens we never got. I might be ready take the plunge.


But there's a problem. A personal problem, but a problem nonetheless. You see, my backlog is fucking insane. We're talking a good 200+ games across Xbox, Playstation, Switch, and PC. And I cannot in good conscience spend the kind of money I would spend to add yet another platform when I have so many games I've already spent money on languishing away on various hard drives and memory cards.


So I created a gimmick. I'm gonna make a game out of gaming. I'm calling it the Virtual 100.


The Virtual 100 is a 10 x 10 grid of 100 squares, each square representing one game I need to remove from my backlog. When/If the grid is completed, I will have successfully removed 100 games from my backlog, effectively cutting it almost in half. For every game I complete, I will try to do a write up or a YouTube video tracking my progress.


But wait, there's more! For each game I complete, and add to the grid, I will move $10 from my checking account into a savings. So not only will I have reduced my backlog by the time I am done, I will have saved up a cool $1,000 to invest into the VR of my choice.


I have no illusions. I know this is going to take time. Probably a year. So by the time I finish this, if I ever do, who knows, maybe there will be something better out there on which to spend my cash. Perhaps it will be a different VR, or maybe it will be a Switch 2, or a Steam Deck successor. Whatever it may be, I'll have the funds to invest.


I will update this thread regularly, each time I complete a game and do a write-up/video. Let's see how long I can keep this up before I grow bored with it and spend my money on something stupid like a vacation or an anniversary gift for the wife.


Is this a dumb idea? Yes. Will I completely fail? Probably. But hey, it'll be fun while it lasts.


Wish me luck!

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11 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


Only 200+?!?!?  Pffftttt...amateur :p


Really though, this is a very creative endeavor so I do genuinely wish you the very best of luck! :twothumbsup:



Lol thanks. 200 is the count of the games I want to actually play. If I were to count all the impulse purchases I don't really care about, and all the free Games with Gold, GOG and EGS giveaways, it goes up a bit.



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  • XxEvil AshxX changed the title to XxEvil Ashxx's Motivational Backlog Purge / Piggy Bank Funding Gimmick - The Virtual 100 | Game 1: Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart
  • XxEvil AshxX changed the title to XxEvil Ashxx's Motivational Backlog Purge / Piggy Bank Funding Gimmick - The Virtual 100 | Game 3: The Callisto Protocol
20 minutes ago, XxEvil AshxX said:




I actually liked Callisto Protocol more than I thought I would. That's not to say it was a great game, but it wasn't as bad as I had heard on the internet.


I think it’s worth playing as long as you know what you are getting into. The combat feels fantastic. But damn there is a lot of vent crawling. 

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31 minutes ago, stepee said:


I think it’s worth playing as long as you know what you are getting into. The combat feels fantastic. But damn there is a lot of vent crawling. 


I was going to call it a "falling simulator" because of how many ledges/ladders/platforms collapse from under the guy right before he reaches whatever he's trying to get to. It literally happens like, five times.

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4 minutes ago, XxEvil AshxX said:


I was going to call it a "falling simulator" because of how many ledges/ladders/platforms collapse from under the guy right before he reaches whatever he's trying to get to. It literally happens like, five times.


OMG yes this also! It’s a weird game. I was getting a lot of enjoyment of it after a bit though when I approached the rooms as “challenge rooms” and tried to pull off victory as slick as possible using telekinesis.

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1 hour ago, XxEvil AshxX said:


I think if I wasn't trying so hard to get some games off my backlog I would have given it a New Game + playthrough and just wrecked all the shit. I'll probably go back to it at some point.


In a way, nothing else is like it! It was a psn game I think? I think more people should play it.

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  • XxEvil AshxX changed the title to XxEvil Ashxx's Motivational Backlog Purge / Piggy Bank Funding Gimmick - The Virtual 100 | Game 4: Deadfall Adventures





Move over, Nathan Drake! Step aside Indiana Jones! Back the **** off, Lara Croft! It’s time for Allan Quater- I mean JAMES Quatermain to have his time in the spotlight.

My earliest memories of Allan Quatermain were from being a kid in the 80’s and watching Richard Chamberlain play the role of the famous adventurer. He starred in two movies, King Solomon’s Mines and Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold.


Now, these books date back to the 1800’s and were most likely the inspiration for Indiana Jones, but as a kid all I could think was, “WTF is this Indiana Jones knockoff shit?”


But enough about that, because this isn’t even about Allan Quatermain. It’s about his great-grandson James, who not only never existed in the books, but also for whatever reason, is American....


Deadfall Adventures was entertaining for all the wrong reasons....

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Cool concept, but hitting monsters with a handful of weeds just isn't that exciting. Who knew?



From the get-go, the place and the people seem creepy, as most spiritual hippies do. You know the kind. The ones that are just a little too “into it.” The ones that have to thank the bees for their honey, or keep yapping about their aura.


It turns out, the aura is an important factor on this island, because their cleansing consists of a chant that summons an alternate dimension full of creatures that feed on negative energy.


Creatures that feed on negative energy, on an island with people who all have emotional baggage? What could go wrong?


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  • XxEvil AshxX changed the title to XxEvil Ashxx's Motivational Backlog Purge / Piggy Bank Funding Gimmick - The Virtual 100 | Game 5: The Chant
  • XxEvil AshxX changed the title to XxEvil Ashxx's Motivational Backlog Purge / Piggy Bank Funding Gimmick - The Virtual 100 | Game 7: F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin
  • XxEvil AshxX changed the title to XxEvil Ashxx's Motivational Backlog Purge / Piggy Bank Funding Gimmick - The Virtual 100 | Game 8: Hunted - The Demon's Forge

Been a bit of a slow burn lately... I've finished a lot of the games that I was currently already playing, so now it's down to games that I hadn't even started yet.


On a different note, I was well prepared for this process to take a year or so... but now the wife wants to start saving to buy a new house, starting in January. So if I want to get a VR headset, it might have to be sooner than later, cuz I won't have much disposable income once that starts :/

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1 hour ago, XxEvil AshxX said:

On a different note, I was well prepared for this process to take a year or so... but now the wife wants to start saving to buy a new house, starting in January. So if I want to get a VR headset, it might have to be sooner than later, cuz I won't have much disposable income once that starts :/


Just from a surface read of things, buying a VR headset now sounds a bit dicey in your situation.  You've already got a backlog you've committed to.   I'm also planing to start seriously house saving in January, but as the one taking more of the lead on finances, I feel like I should scrounge together anything I can this month.  It could be easy / inevitable to fall behind later.


BTW, props on attempting this.  I can barely commit to trying out ~200 games these days, lol.

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  • XxEvil AshxX changed the title to XxEvil Ashxx's Motivational Backlog Purge / Piggy Bank Funding Gimmick - The Virtual 100 | Game 9: F.E.A.R. 3
  • XxEvil AshxX changed the title to XxEvil Ashxx's Motivational Backlog Purge / Piggy Bank Funding Gimmick - The Virtual 100 | Game 10: Pac-Man World RePac




What the hell did I just play? Usually when I play one of these Diablo-like ARPG's, they're either really good and stand on their own, or they're average copy/paste clones, or they just flat out suck. This was a weird one that had a lot of promise and was great 90% of the way through, but just kinda fell apart at the end.

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  • XxEvil AshxX changed the title to XxEvil Ashxx's Motivational Backlog Purge / Piggy Bank Funding Gimmick - The Virtual 100 | Game 12: Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm
  • XxEvil AshxX changed the title to XxEvil Ashxx's Motivational Backlog Purge / Piggy Bank Funding Gimmick - The Virtual 100 | Game 13: Alan Wake II
4 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Does it count as a backlog game if it's only been out a little over 3 months? :p


Considering I bought it then didn't boot it up for those three months, yes lol.


Also I had to get to it soon as I feel like the spoiler expiration date is imminent.

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  • XxEvil AshxX changed the title to XxEvil Ashxx's Motivational Backlog Purge / Piggy Bank Funding Gimmick - The Virtual 100 | Game 14: Ys Book I - Ancient Ys Vanished
  • XxEvil AshxX changed the title to XxEvil Ashxx's Motivational Backlog Purge / Piggy Bank Funding Gimmick - The Virtual 100 | Game 15: Warhammer 40k Space Marine

Judging from the date on this topic creation, I'm averaging 5 games a month. That's not a good pace lol. If I want to do this in a year I have to do what, 8 or 9 a month? Work was pretty brutal in January and I didn't have a lot of time to play. And when I did, I was falling asleep in my chair after 15 or 20 minutes.


And now that all the big holiday sales are over, I should be done buying more games :facepalm:

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