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Creative Director of Spider-Man PS4 Says It 'Would Not Exist if It Wasn't for PlayStation'


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Big spoilers in the full cast, but it starts right at the quote.




"This game would not exist if it wasn't for PlayStation, if not for their support," Intihar stated. "Any time I wanted to do something, and I wanted to make some drastic change, it was just like, 'Okay'. I never heard about anything. It was just like, 'Go do it.' The question was, 'Is it gonna make the game better?' and I'd say, 'Yep', and they'd go, 'Okay', and that would be the last time I'd hear about it."

This isn't the first time we've heard about Sony being an extremely supportive partner when producing a game, and it sounds like the platform holder gave Insomniac full control over the creative aspects of production. Intihar felt that people weren't necessarily giving Sony due credit for its role in making Marvel's Spider-Man become a reality: "So many people want to talk about Marvel and Insomniac - which is awesome... But I owe everything to PlayStation".


He also talks after this quote how supportive all the studios are of each other and the amount of support they received from other first-party studios.


Many of us really dig Sony's output this gen and how they've grown since the PS1 days, and the creative freedom people have working under them is stunning. This goes with another Insomniac employee who posted this on Reset.



So the story is 1000% true


Sony FP has the best pipeline and support system in the business to create big story-based games. Some people don’t realize all of the support a publisher can give a developer, and that’s true of every major publisher for every major game. 


Marvel approached Sony, wanting them to do one of their characters right with a big first-party story game. They wanted to work with one of the developers Sony FP works with frequently, and even mentioned us by name to Sony as a developer who they felt particularly fit. 


Sony approached us, we were interested (obv!), and they told us Marvel wanted us to pick which hero we most wanted to play with. We picked Spider-Man (obv!).

All real, all how it happened, no ties to any other deal or circumstance.


Back in the PS1 and even PS2 days (until God of War, I'd say), I never felt like Sony's first party output and publishing was in serious consideration for GOTY, but this gen has been freaking huge with 2014 the only time there was nothing I'd have really put as one of the best games of the year. That can sometimes not work (Pretty sure Ready At Dawn made exactly the kind of game they wanted with The Order; it just wasn't very good), but in many cases here, it pays dividends.

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From one of the mods at Reset who worked in the corporate world a while (and I think has some insider connections):





The elephant in the room that none of the 3 partners talk about in interviews is how Sony is funding the entire project, and that the reason Sony needed to exist as a middle-man is because Marvel Games is stingy and only want to license their IP, not fund games directly from their vault of movie-profits.


I love the Insom/Sony relationship.

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