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Everything posted by GameDadGrant

  1. What the...?!? Are you goons calling me a "casual" gamer because I don't like From Software's BS? YOU'RE ALL PERMABANNED EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. Listen. I don't mind challenging games. I've gone through the OG Xbox's Ninja Gaiden. I beat Gamecube's F-ZERO GX. Practically the entire Castlevania series is my bitch. But those games at least don't pull this garbage of putting an enemy that can "stomp you into a mud hole" right up front. And the excuse of "oh, well you can just go somewhere else what's the problem?" doesn't hold water. Why is there anything near the start that can do that? It doesn't make any sense. I'll give it another shot soon. See how it goes.
  2. Of course Nintendo is suing. I mean...what did anyone think was going to happen? It'll be interesting to see the results of this, especially if it goes to court. I don't really follow Xbox or Playstation news, but if emulators were available on PC to play those games for free...would Microsoft and/or Sony just let it slide? I know back in the day Sony didn't take kindly to bleem! which was disappointing. (though I was still able to snag the discs to allow me to play Gran Turismo 2, Tekken 3 and Metal Gear Solid on my Dreamcast. Huzzah!)
  3. Dang...poor Cruis'n Blast. Never gets any respect! To be fair about your point of "re-releasing" Wii U games on Switch...those games were not just simple ports. Several of them had to be changed so that Gamepad usage wasn't required at any point, and ALL of them had added content. (Bowser's Fury, Funky Kong, Peachette and Super Luigi included, all Pikmin 3 DLC included, and Bayonetta 1 was bundled with Bayonetta 2.) And still "only" $50 a pop. Would I have liked those for even cheaper (or free?)...yeah, of course. But that's not the world we live in. And the offerings they provided aren't what I would call terrible or anything. *shrugs* I'll agree with you on your last point. The Switch successor better damn well have backwards compatibility. It would *almost* be an instant no-buy for me if that's the case.
  4. Do you guys not read my posts? I specifically said I went in the direction AWAY from it! To avoid fighting it. And it still chased me down and killed me, LOL. I mean...okay.
  5. Sure, but it’s not unheard of when the games are discounted by 25%-41% (which admittedly is an odd percentage). My point was more about how their games are sometimes not even $60. In recent(ish) memory, games like Cruis’n Blast, WarioWare and Mario vs Donkey Kong launched at $50 or less. Again, for whatever that is worth. *shrugs*
  6. What? My play log says I played for around half an hour. Some of that was character creation and tutorial stuff, though. But you’re not wrong, it’s in the beginning of the game…and that’s what pisses me off about it! Why put something like that right in the beginning?! That’s NOT good game design, that’s just trolling the player. I hate that. And I tried not fighting it. But it chased me down and one-shotted me. So I rage quit. *shrug* I dunno. Maybe since I’ve calmed down I’ll give it another try. I WANT to give this game a fair shake. I just hate, hate, *HATE* this kind of garbage right up front in an adventure RPG.
  7. Oh, I see…you like Nintendo games. You just don’t want to pay for them! LOL I keed, I keed. To be fair, Nintendo’s games are often not full price to begin with (and only Tears of the Kingdom has hit that dreaded $70 price tag so far). Don’t forget if you’re downloading indie games on Switch, you earn Gold Coins which can be used to discount games form the eShop. For whatever that is worth. Switch is a good spot for indies, but lately I’ve been using my Steam Deck for those. (And Elden Ring, but maybe for not much longer. I hate that game but I’m going to try to give it another fair shake. Maybe.)
  8. That’s cool. Not sure why, but I was under the impression you didn’t like Nintendo games. Maybe I misunderstood.
  9. Yeah. Not for stuff like these that are so frustrating to play. I’ve got a huge backlog of games that are more to my tastes. I won’t waste my time on Souls or even Elden Ring. If others enjoy them, that’s cool. But From Software games just don’t vibe with me.
  10. No. Actually, it was Elden Ring that sent me over the edge! LOL. I was playing it over the weekend and when I got immediately killed by the first monster thing you come across, I was like "oh shit, here we go again" but then it might have been a story beat? Because when the game continued there was this story sequence and I started from a completely different area. But when I went out exploring, I saw some enemy on a horse in the distance. So I made sure to do my best to avoid it and not get close. Sonuvabitch chased me down and one-shotted me. I was even engaging it! I was trying to avoid the battle and make some actual progress. Not gonna lie, I was pissed and rage quit.
  11. I don’t understand how people enjoy this game (or any game from From Software). Starting a new game, getting used to the controls and world…then get one-shotted by the first enemy you happen across? How is that fun? Screw you, From. Freakin’ troll development studio. Bah. This team and its games are NOT for me. They are dead to me.
  12. Okay. Yeah I wasn't quite sure what was meant by a "Pokémon arena" game. Though to be fair, a MOBA has the word "arena" in it, sooo...half credit?
  13. You mean like Pokémon Unite? Came out a few years ago, IIRC. Hell yeah I’m getting it. I don’t think it will have a customizable soundtrack, unlike the Wii game. But that’s not a huge deal. And whatever they announce at the Direct, I’m keen on.
  14. I’m out of town at the moment so I obviously didn’t pick up my copy from GameStop yet (physical forever!) so I instead pulled out my 3DS and played the original GBA version for a while. Holds up pretty well, it’s still fun. DK’94 seems to have had more personality though. So I booted that up on 3DS and was having more fun with that one, haha.
  15. Mickey and Goofy in Fortnite, then? Ha! Let’s go. No Donald, though. That duck has enough PTSD.
  16. Ah, gotcha. Yeah you’ll need the Expansion for SMA4:SMB3 and its related e-reader stages. Or if you were lucky enough to download the game on Wii U Virtual Console, the card stages are all available there, too. So glad Nintendo included all those stages since they are a blast. I actually had a few of the actual cards for the GBA back in the day, but having them all from the jump is awesome.
  17. Whatcha talkin’ about? You decided not to play it, or something? The e-Reader stages are pretty fun. It was the closest we got to a new 2D Mario that generation.
  18. My son just downloaded this yesterday. Hasn't played it yet, but I'll pass along any impressions he had when I get them.
  19. Yeah, you nailed it on the head. Hacking. No. I think a 1TB is what he's gonna get. Seems like the "safest" route.
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