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Everything posted by GameDadGrant

  1. During that generation? Arguably the Wii U...but Nintendo obviously screwed that up. Previous innovations would mostly likely be stuff like the Wii, Game Boy, DS, Neo Geo...maybe Dreamcast? Or Saturn? SEGA did a lot of stuff ahead of its time. Well, I'm a Nintendo fan. That's true enough. But fanboy might be a bridge too far since I preferred the PSOne over N64, hated the Wii U, and even played about the same amount of PSP as I did the DS back in the day. But you're right about one thing: innovation means nothing if great games don't come of it (see: Wii U). I don't know how anyone can say that the PS4 has an unparalleled library of games, but to each their own. True.
  2. Eh, not really. Buuuuut...the point I was trying to make is that a reMAKE would look significantly better than a reMASTER on Switch. Which I believe we can agree on? That's really all I was getting at.
  3. If you are talking strictly sales numbers, you are 100% correct. Nobody can deny those units sold, that's just facts. But to what you alluded to; not many great games in its library outside of a handful of greats (which can be said about practically *any* system, to be honest) the PS4's success rides mostly on the reality that it didn't have much competition. PS4 didn't do anything extraordinary, it just kept the status quo while its competitors dove head first into an empty pool. Hence my "mixed results" stance. It succeeded simply by not screwing up...if we disregard the company torpedoing their admittedly awesome handheld to make that happen. Like I said; what do I know!
  4. It sold well, sure. No one said otherwise. But even your post here supports my theory; the system has its standouts, but having the best library of games of all time? Nah. And even some of the "standouts" had their flaws and missteps which upset fans and critics. Hence, mixed results. But yeah, Playstation's bottom line is solid. PS4 sold very well. Unfortunately at the expense of the Vita (supposedly), but perhaps the end justifies the means.
  5. Agreed. Even if it was a simple "remaster" the bump to HD would make a difference. If this ends up being a full REMAKE, then the jump to Switch-level visuals will be the equivalent of going from a PS2 game to a PS4 game. A *much* bigger difference.
  6. Oh thank you for the reminder, I still need to get that game! (It's digital-only, right?) You're enjoying it so far?
  7. Not even PS2? That system and its games had way more of an impact on the industry than the PS4. And to be clear, I'm not saying the PS4 doesn't have good games - far from it! (you didn't even list Bloodborne! That's usually people's #1 mention!) I just personally feel what the PS4 has done isn't revolutionary or anything. It has good games, but I just get the vibe that it gets WAY more praise than it deserved. And it sold well basically by default. It's competition at the time was the Xbone and the Wii U, for crying out loud. There will always be naysayers, but those seem to be an outspoken minority. And yeah, Pokémon has never been a technically impressive series. They weren't even the best-looking Game Boy games back in the day, and had plenty of technical shortcomings then, too. Thankfully the gameplay is what matters, and that's why people keep coming back to the franchise. Or not! What do I know.
  8. Yeah. Well, I was originally told that I would get my system by August. So now that it's not shipping until October, I'm a bit bummed. Guess I'll be "slumming it" with the Switch a while longer!
  9. I just checked my reservation for the Deck and I got bumped back to Q3 - meaning I won't get the thing until October at the earliest. This SUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKSSS
  10. I bought this recently, and have yet to fire it up. I never finished the first Fire Emblem Warriors game, and it's likely going to be the same for this one.
  11. I think *technically* it's the fourth time. 1.) Original Gamecube version. 2.) Wii "Trilogy" collection. 3.) Wii U "Virtual Console" Trilogy release. 4.) Theoretical Switch Remaster. I hope motion controls are an option if this Switch version is a real thing.
  12. That has literally never happened. Want proof? Take a look at review scores and sales. Case closed. LOL. Okay, fine...if you take into account hacks/pirating, you can play practically anything on anything! Irrelevant, dood. Honestly curious, what makes you think the PS4 has the best library in gaming? You think literally NO OTHER console comes close? Really? Those are some strong words.
  13. Also surprised he didn't know about Monkey Island. And I am also confused why he didn't mention anything about the Persona games finally making their proper debut on Switch. I feel like that's...kind of a big deal? But maybe a bit deflated since they were already announced on Xbox. But still....!
  14. Or perhaps, more appropriately, like Segata Sanshiro? (hey, it's on a SEGA thing after all! )
  15. Pfft, can't even play Breath of the Wild or Pokémon on the thing. Get outta here...!
  16. Same. I actually totally forgot about infamous. Apparently, I didn't miss much.
  17. I haven't really experienced that. Thankfully, the NES originals are still playable so...no harm, no foul.
  18. You sure? I’m that case, I’m in! 😁
  19. Eh? Wily Wars is awesome! I was playing it yesterday. Mega Man can still shoot 3 plasma shots on screen, just like in the NES originals. Not sure what you're talking about? I think I still prefer the NES versions, but this is a pretty awesome collection for the Genesis. I would recommend NOT skipping it!
  20. Yeah, @chakoo mentioned this before - but it bears repeating! It's pretty cool that they are doing this. Though I may skip it. Apparently, this is just the 3DS game, not the DSiWare game *and* the 3DS game. It would have been an insta-buy if it included the DSiWare game, since that has been de-listed and is impossible to download now. Alas...!
  21. Wow, you have a very high opinion of the PS4! "One of the greatest libraries in gaming" you say? Oooookay. Yeah, shame about the Xbox One. I haven't bought an Xbox thing since the 360...and even with GamePass, I don't see that changing. With my Steam Deck (hopefully by August!) the necessity for an Xbox seems...well, unnecessary. And obviously the Wii U was trash from the get-go. I don't think I can stress that enough. Nintendo must be so grateful they had the 3DS to lean on.
  22. I feel all major platform holders were kicking themselves in their own ass. Xbox: constant online, constant surveillance. Nintendo: Wii U. ‘Nuff said. Playstation: Torpedo’d Vita to lean completely into PS4, which had mixed results at best. No one was a winner.
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