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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. And we can mostly thank Mike Bloomberg for that
  2. Yeah, you line his statements up with any other Republican and you will not be able to tell the difference
  3. Once the Senate and House appropriations are agreed to and voted on, they are sent to the president for signature or veto. https://www.senate.gov/legislative/bills_acts_laws.htm
  4. Yes, he can. Not this item specifically, but the whole thing. It wouldn't be beyond Trump to pick a fight over something stupid
  5. I place odds Trump vetos, as he is a wildcard, but the Senate wouldn't do anything without his blessing
  6. There shouldn't be anything that is nontaxable. Charity is just a tax dodge used to justify low spending on social services.
  7. And if they are paid, it isn't well paid. When my dad was a preacher we did get our housing covered, though
  8. The actual x-ray was not the expensive part. It was somewhere in the $400 range iirc, including the few moments the Dr reviewed the images (but didn't actually talk to us) I'm really fortunate that i now have a health savings account with a couple grand in it (and my wife and i make enough money to be able to partially fund it while still making ends meet even with student loans) Had this happened with my insurance at my last company, or when i was changing jobs and had no insurance, I'd be pretty boned as an HSA was not an option at my last company, and I'd still be out a couple grand. Counting about $1400 for the ER visit, my family has paid about $3600 of our deductible this year, and ~$4700 just in premiums (not counting the employer contribution, which is about $17,500 for 2019). The best part is for 2020, as mentioned my deductible is going up, but the overall premium is decreasing! By $51 next year! But guess who is getting to save $51 next year? That's right, my employer! I really need to do my extensive write up on health insurance costs, as my employer is really forthcoming with costs for all employees. Bring on higher taxes for M4A and free college. This shit is stupid.
  9. I took my daughter to the ER after calling my insurance nurse hotline, who suggested i do so as a precaution after my daughter (2 1/2 at the time) fell and hit her head on the corner of a wall and started getting a bloody nose. We go in, sit around for a few hours for observation and get an x-ray (very difficult to get a 2 1/2 year old to stand still for an x-ray). Total cost: $2300. After insurance adjustments I'm still paying off nearly $1900 from my $4500 yearly family deductible (going up to $4900 next year) and $7500 (going up to $7900 next year) in-network yearly out of pocket maximum. All of this resets on Jan 1. If we have an incident over the holidays while out of state I'd be screwed because insurance doesn't have in network providers where we're going. And Lord forbid something happen and we're in the hospital over Dec 31/Jan 1, or they fuck up the paperwork and i get something mixed up there. We'd be screwed. But this is fine. Nothing major needs to change here.
  10. No, he did a much more wholesome thing: he brought attention to the dire poverty of Athens County, OH, the poorest county in the state, where he comes from. A fundraiser has been started and it has raised (as of right now) almost $300k for the Athens County food pantry, a truly deserving organization (i went to college at Ohio University, which calls Athens home,and am friends with many long time Athens natives, so I'm familiar with their reputation and the good they do) https://www.facebook.com/donate/478333129481591/10157136870442746/
  11. It's officially burreaux with the Heisman. Also This appears to be a record.
  12. Literally the only driving, consistent force in guys life, campaign, and presidency is racial animus (and narcissistic love of self). He's the manifestation of popular racialized grievance politics to date in the 21st century. His election, and subsequent administration is the most openly white supremacist since the Wilson administration a century ago. One of his closest advisors, the architect of our border policy, Stephen Miller, regularly reads and promotes racist garbage from sites like vdare and brietbart, which make their rounds regularly among white supremacist alt right types which would seemingly be banned under this Canadian guidance. I mean reportedly a neonazi/white supremacist ban on Twitter, if applied to the US, would ban "some" Republican politicians
  13. Germany was copying the early 20th century US, so it's all circling back.
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