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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Right when i thought we had dumb traditions, i remember we got them from these idiots
  2. I agree that traditional material interests don't overcome all, but what explains the massive loss this election with 2017
  3. Just laugh at these people, they get paid better than we do but know nothing
  4. I don't remember if it was posted in this thread or on the discord, but his policies were massively popular (+44% or thereabouts for a few of them) but corbyn was underwater by like 40% personally. But these issues seemed to be backseat to brexit so ymmv. From what i understand labor didn't have a strong message on it until later in the election cycle where libdems were remain /revote and Tories leave, generally.
  5. All I'm saying is every successful democratic candidate for president in my lifetime pulled a large chunk their base from the yoots and African American community
  6. We're just gonna dial back that enthusiasm a whole lot if the nominee isn't Bernie. The younger cohort isn't going to donate, knock on doors, and phone bank like they would for Bernie (and a lesser extent Liz) for several of the "things will not fundamentally change" candidates.
  7. Every left candidates is going to get uncritically and wrongly smeared like corbyn so just be ready for that
  8. Pipelines are safer. No longer relying on oil to power the economy of the planet is safest.
  9. I'm calling that Scotland will immediately join the EU, as will the republic of Ireland and northern Ireland
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