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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. It's become clearer and clearer as of late who has actually *had* to work in a powerless, demeaning job where you *are* actually looked down on and abused (like retail or fast food) and who has never had to be humbled and bite their tongue else they lose their job.
  2. The people pushing the Matt taibbi article in the past few days are total fucking marks. And I hate that Matty Y makes this point
  3. This also seems on brand for trump. Go ahead and do concentration camps, Xi, it's the right thing to do!
  4. These guys claiming anti white racism just get a MASSIVE eye roll from me. Good thread.
  5. Crazy thread. Cover your tats and wear nondescript clothing if you're engaging in extracurriculars. Also don't have a social media presence
  6. Simultaneously arguing in court that only those age 65+ (heavy R leaning group) should be able to vote absentee without an excuse (and fear of getting covid isn't an excuse)
  7. I go out of my way to park close to a cart corral even if I have to walk further to get in the store
  8. We could just give the hotels and theme parks and etc money to keep them open until after the pandemic but I guess that is just crazy talk anymore
  9. Who cares if he's been talking to Putin? It's a good idea Related:
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