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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. GA seems to be the only outlier (but don't forget the MoE for each state) Don't forget Biden could ride Mark Kelly's coattails in AZ (lol), plus ducey looks to be dropping a deuce on the covid response so counting it out would be silly. AZ seems to be a better bet than WI, plus it has a long history of mail in voting so that helps
  2. The trump team has been dog and regular whistling white supremacist/Nazi/racist imagery from the start of his campaign. It's not a coincidence, and even if they're just doing it to "own the libs" at what point is the rule of goat fucking in play?
  3. To be fair this is more of a "you can still do it just give me some bare minimum justification" This doesn't end the debate!
  4. I think the volume makes a difference, and if ballots are mailed on election day or dropped off. It also makes the % of ballots figure suspect
  5. The Narrative on election night will be trump up and winning states, then absentee ballots, which will take time to count, will trickle in for Biden. Biden wins ultimately but gives trump and his idiot followers enough room to call fraud or whatever
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