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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Seriously. Get gym Jordan on record voting that Barr didn't gas peaceful protestors for a photo op, he didn't try to oust a USA to stop and investigation, etc. Get Susan Collins, and Cory Gardner, and Joni Ernst to do so as well. Jesus these people are so fucking stupid it is a criminal abdication of their responsibility as the so called opposition party and as a coequal branch of government. If the bad things the Obama admin did weren't something the republicans were ok with (killing a US citizen via drone, for example) they would have impeached him over whatever, instantly. Really drug the shit out and through the mud. Benghazi for Christ sakes, had Hillary won it would have been HR#1 to impeach her.
  2. While we're at it, ostriches don't put their head in sand when in the face of danger either!
  3. Both sides-ing the boogs on the official government account
  4. That's the crazy thing here. Everyone who can work from home/telecommute is doing so by necessity. We have to have massive structural changes, it's quite clear, but we're simply.... Not. Climate change is to the world what covid is to the United States
  5. I could easily see some conservative Christians doing this same thing, but to own the libs or fight Sharia law
  6. Nancy's house isn't exactly in full blown opposition. She's given him basically everything he wanted!
  7. Pathetic. Either endorse the progressive or wait it out until the state decides. Hickenlooper is so very bad on climate. He's a former oil man for gods sake. Particularly bad given she endorsed the progressive challenger to a powerful house incumbent just days ago.
  8. When the history books are ever written about covid in this country, his rally will be a nice, neat place for a chapter break, even though the outbreak seems to have started spiking before this began
  9. This is what happens when you get a new Chief who shot a man dead 18 years ago and nothing happened
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