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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Here's another case where I normally wouldn't share this tweet and signal boost his dumb shit, but it's about as good an example there is of how trump operates on this platform. He says one thing, probably unintentionally because he's a moron ("S.S. GREAT JOB!"), and you have a thousand people on Twitter "well ackshully"-ing him on why we use "USSS" for the secret service. But the real message he wanted out there, to try and intimidate protestors and group them in with anarchists and agitators (coded word here), got amplified by people who think they are helping or funny. I like Bobby Lewis' Twitter so I'm not trying to call him out here, he just has the thing screenshotted in case of delete. But there are numerous accounts with tens of thousands of followers each that have done this, and more people with fewer followers doing the same thing, and it isn't the first time.
  2. Another 1.2 million new jobless claims (or 1.5? I accidentally dismissed the push notification) and we've given up on fixing this, too.
  3. Aging out isn't a good strategy; see Mayor P.P. Butt. We must always continually push for progress. Remember, the new deal was to save capitalism from itself and provide an alternative to fascism and communism. To analog to today, we already have fascists, but we have very few leftists, let alone communists
  4. So many people don't understand the scale of the Lee monument
  5. TSA agents understand chemistry enough to know the difference between something dangerous and hand sanitizer
  6. I'd like to point out that until others commented, my ire was directed only at Bernie and not Manchin and other so-called centrist democrats in purple states (plus TK&MW and Diane Fienstein)
  7. It shows that Dems haven't learned a fucking thing, they keep playing into republican framing of issues, again. It's a pervasive rot at the core of the democratic establishment messaging that bipartisanship is an end in and of itself and Dems are just here to smooth the gutting of our government and services that are massively popular. Also, to pull a trump and quote myself: They're not even waiting for a Biden win to hamstring ourselves on debt/deficit messaging and hand wringing. Also I don't give a shit about Bernie. He's a tool, as a politician, whose time has passed and hasn't shown any leadership since he dropped out. So not sure what your point is there.
  8. I, too, like to ignore content and context of the letter they signed on with a bunch of republicans to try and dunk on the left
  9. Like how much of a fucking mouth breather do you have to be to sign on to this document with Dan Crenshaw? This is intended to keep spending from rising (and in fact to cut spending) and keep tax cuts, largely for the wealthy, in place. Republicans do not care about the deficit. They don't. They do like it as a tool to attack spending and democrats, and we keep having people fall for their bullshit narrative. And if you can't protect Medicare and social security from cuts, especially with taxes on the wealthy so fucking low, what the fuck are you doing in the party? This isn't about expansion it's about not locking in and securing right wing goals of cutting what little social safety net we have under the guise of bipartisanship. It's not like it's one or two errant members, but it's enough to sink the majority.
  10. These absolute fucking morons. The deficit is wholly irrelevant, and we're looking at millions of long term unemployment because their jobs are permanently lost per the last bls report. Jesus fucking Christ. Bipartisan anything with this crop of republicans is fucking stupid. You goddamn idiot marks. Republicans want no spending and no tax increases, this isn't hard to see. You fucking idiots. But hey, vote blue no matter who
  11. You might be thinking of Rutherford B Hayes and the compromise of 1877 which ended reconstruction Grant was a drunk with a corrupt administration but good on civil rights in policy, and sided with the radical Republicans, the last good republicans.
  12. We'd have taken down Lee's monument but it's just too fucking big. It's ok though, the city is full of Confederate and other shitheads as statues. Can't protect them all.
  13. Can't you just watch a funny video about nancy, Jesus
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