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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Imagine a debate between Alex Jones and Matthew McConaughey and then, like, Beto
  2. every pedestrian crossing should look like this. Not only is it safer but it just looks good
  3. Absolutely stupid. These fucking people. I wish my city had 1/10th the investment in transit that LA is getting now. We're at least upzoning (some) areas near our BRT, though not to the extent that we should. (Upzoning industrial to TOD, which limits to 12 stories instead of central business district which limits to 20 stories)
  4. Conflating jewishness and the Zionist Israeli state doesn't help
  5. Given that because of this, the email from the daycare says the rest of the staff in the room (for infants and toddlers who are unmasked) will be tested, I'm guessing they're symptomatic.
  6. One of the fully vaccinated daycare workers at my daughter's daycare tested positive last night
  7. That's all you get for the implication that criticism of the Apartheid state is because of anti semitism. Just shut the fuck up.
  8. "Monument Avenue residents ask Virginia Supreme Court to overturn ruling rejecting effort to restore city’s monuments | 8News" Monument Avenue residents ask Virginia Supreme Court to overturn ruling rejecting effort to restore city’s monuments WWW.WRIC.COM As the legal effort to block the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue persists, those involved now seek to have the Virginia Supreme Court overrule a Richmond court’s decision to reject an...
  9. So so so so so much energy can be captured from offshore wind, do this everywhere
  10. It can't exist with peace because the settler colonial nature of it requires displacing, and has displaced, the native population at the barrel of a gun. I've stated this before and won't go over it again.
  11. Wonderful job conflating anti Zionism (culminating in the current Apartheid Israeli state) and anti semitism you're doing a great job. I'm done here.
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