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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. There is a solution but it is a long process of reconciliation and justice in one democratic state founded on these principles for all people in Palestine, Jewish, Palestinian, Christian, and others. A Zionist state will not achieve peace, and it's abolition is the first step towards peace and justice.
  2. Refusal to consider the existence of a state in Palestine that is not founded upon Zionism means there will never be peace.
  3. Because the Israeli state was formed specifically as a western imperialist project to expropriate property specifically for an explicitly Jewish state, there can and will be no peace, let alone justice, until that ideological basis is repudiated. You can't build a lasting home on a broken foundation, and it can't be repaired until it is even acknowledged that something is rotten or broken. The current open violence can largely be traced back to evictions of Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem, but it is the same thing that's been going on since the foundation of the state: removing and relocating incumbents so that settlers, who in this case happen to be Jewish, can move in/back in. Whether or not there's paperwork to prove legality of ownership is entirely besides the point given that the basis of legality here is derived from the barrel of a gun in the service of explicitly Zionist goals.
  4. No shit for real? So it's not worth examining the ideology of American founders given that this country was founded nearly 250 years ago? Do you realize how nonsensical that sounds? This 70 years ago history didn't happen out of the blue for no reason but was the culmination of decades of specific ideological work towards the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.
  5. Dude was name checked in the Israeli declaration of independence as the spiritual father of the state. Self proclaimed zionists (the ideology of which Hertzl famously articulated and largely founded) were founders of the Israeli state. These are not people who didn't know his ideology, and probably knew it quite intimately. The ideological underpinnings of the state are extremely important. And these underpinnings are fundamentally western imperialist, the same general playbook as what Europeans and European descendants did to Native North Americans in order to specifically create a Jewish state
  6. The State of Israel is a western imperial project and that alone, not religion, makes peace impossible. Just ask Theodore Hertzl, the spiritual founder of the state: Not hard to see how this thinking goes from here to what we now see in Gaza and the west bank.
  7. I mean if we're getting down the supply chain for the sources of wealth for those who generate wealth from their IP it gets quite messy, and no one in the west, and I mean no one, is innocent. Not only the clothing and the sneakers and the paper for the books they're written on, but the silicon, and copper, and gold, and rare earth metals for the microprocessors and other computer parts are almost certainly mined with supply chains that use forced/slave labor, child labor, horrendously bad environmental protections, and corruption/graft/violence/murder to enforce these supply chains. It's part of why it's very credible to say that there's no ethical consumption under capitalism. It's exploitation all the way down, but some of the worst is outsourced to the global south.
  8. Tom is extremely rich, but he's not a billionaire. To be a tech billionaire you almost certainly have to engage in some type of monopolistic or monopsony-like behavior. JKR might possibly be the closest billionaire who not only actually earned her wealth, but who probably most ethically did so. Even still, the existence of billionaires in an of themselves is problematic as I, er, Robert Reich said in @SaysWho?'s post
  9. But only for the wealthy! It's not like normal people would be affected by any of these changes
  10. I'm not expert (I just play one on the internet) but I think the jet stream might have more to do with it directly Jetstream Forecast - Jetstream Map Updated Four Times Daily - Netweather.tv WWW.NETWEATHER.TV Check the latest Jet Stream map and forecast Thumbnail image may not be current
  11. Can we legally mail beer and wine yet? I believe there is a bill out there to do that. Would be a boon to small craft businesses!
  12. Heard "you can't ask for my vaccination status because that's a HIPAA violation" in the wild yesterday (it's not)
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