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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Mind you Virginia is one of the absolute worst states, if not the worst state, for teacher pay in the country. My wife is 8 years in and looking around at jobs she could get paid the same as an entry level college graduate private sector job. She wouldn't "get summer off" but she also might get maternity leave or get a greater choice in when she takes vacation, to say nothing of better pay, career opportunities, and advancement.
  2. It blew my mind when my wife told me some of her (Black) students would miss school on Friday so that they could get their hair done for dances or whatever that took place Friday night or Saturday.
  3. I just want her to keep a position with the state because she gets a pension but something outside of teaching would be good. Teaching is too much fucking work.
  4. My wife is probably going to leave teaching outside after the baby because teaching this year is the straw that broke the camel's back.
  5. If he wants to he will be president in our lifetime. He's got everything needed for it.
  6. the obvious thing to do is push it through and force them to vote against it but prime minister Manchin wouldn't like that
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