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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Seems more like a failure of set expectations and also being like 100k votes short of a 52-48 majority because of 2014&2016
  2. The worst democrat is better than the best Republican and voting isn’t difficult (but can be very time consuming) but effort should be put in safe blue districts to push out the old guard and put better people in who fit the districts
  3. Why are young people displeased and dispirited by the Democratic Party and leadership you ask?
  4. The only possible solution is expansion of the court and we all know that’s not going to happen and it’s dumb to pretend otherwise. This is the best that can realistically happen sorry
  5. We have a duty to correct the error that is the protection of contraception, legal existence for homosexuals, and same sex marriage. Incredible.
  6. It’s worth noting that liberal law academics have largely given up on substantive due process which is a shame because it is good and rocks
  7. There’s literally no other choice outside of violence and no one actually wants that
  8. Trump and Peter theils candidate for senate in Arizona with an interesting policy proposal that I’m sure will go over well in a state that is home to many retirees
  9. I just want to react more than once to a post. What if it’s a sicko post that I love????
  10. I know this is from Reddit, but still Jesus these people fucking hate kids. Blows my mind! (and as someone who was discriminated against for housing because of my kid it really fucking sucks!) Cities can be amazing for kids and if we’re going to make cities better for everyone the building codes should make soundproofing a priority (especially over parking or design review)
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