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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. What I thought... can't disagree with much you said to be honest. I've tried several times to playthrough it and just can't do it.
  2. Just so I'm clear, you're talking about the FIRST Witcher game here, right? Not the third one?
  3. I got an email from Aaron Keener taunting agents on our failure to save the world and how he would show us what is what.
  4. I'm certain there is one HELLUVA Cannabis bar at this year's Oscars
  5. Finished Uncharted 4 today finally. I started it over because I didnt get very far when I first bought it. I don't know what it is about these Uncharted games... they just don't click with me like they seem to everyone else and by chapter 18, I was ready for the game to be over. I like the story and characters but the gameplay just runs me the wrong way and I feel like a lot of the complaints I've seen others have for Red Dead Redemption 2, apply here for me. I also feel like Tomb Raider has surpassed this series in a lot of ways. 7 out of 10 for me. Next up Dead Rising 4.
  6. My point was that there are folks would vote Democratic who's second choice is NOT another democrat but Trump for some reason. Dangerously uniformed people make up the majority of the electorate of this country and until Democrats and progressives not only accept that reality, but learn to talk TO those folks rather than talk down to them, they will continue to lose when it counts. But carry on... what really counts is TRYING
  7. F.Y.I. A REALLY good friend of mine told me last week that if Bernie is the nominee he would probably vote for Trump because Bernie is going to raise his taxes by $10,000.00 a year. These people exist and they ARE out there.
  8. The lack of imagination on this board amazes me sometimes... for real. I've pretty much decided to take a step back from posting here for a bit, but I really dont understand how one can defend Once Upon A Time In Hollywood which managed to offend a whole country but gets a pass because it's an "alternate reality" or whatever the fuck, but this trailer is met with trepidation despite the pedigree of the people involved. At least this series seems to be attempting to be an allegory and say something about the times we're in while exploring the past, as opposed to be simply being escapist Fantasy which is literally saying nothing. And I LIKE escapist fantasy that says nothing and I liked Once Upon A Time In Hollywood! Tarantino's what, last FOUR films have been alternate histories to an extent and nobody said shit. This series? Concern trolling starts up immediately... I wonder why that is Actually I don't
  9. Days Gone in 2020 I didn't know about some of these new modes. Will have to check this out again soon.
  10. I did not realize High Tension was rated so low. WTF?
  11. McConnell met with Murkowski for a half hour this morning so that probably locked THAT up. This shit show of government is exactly what this country deserves if only to wake everybody the fuck up. AND he's gonna get re-elected too.
  12. In the story that Colbert tells in the clip I posted, he mentions a female chopper pilot who developed a black box for helicopters which I assume is low cost and would suit their needs. This pilot lost her son to a chopper crash and that's what led her to develop the black box for copters. The clip is worth a watch.
  13. Yeah he's talked about it before. He's the youngest of like 11 kids I think and his father and siblings passed when he was 10 I think, back in '74.
  14. Colbert relates this tragedy to his own (he lost his father and two of his brothers to a plane crash.) and calls for black boxes on helicopters which for some reason are not required to have them. Jump to about 2:30
  15. It seems like the 90's has far more of these types of movies than the 2000's. Most movies that were deemed to have sucked in the 2000's really did suck. The first decade of the 21st century suffered from a lot of movies being rushed into production because a writer's guild strike was looming. I can't really think of too many films that have not already been named that fit the criteria for me. Yeah if you're judging a fucking Godzilla movie based on the human parts, you are really missing the point.
  16. Waterworld was in the 90's... I loved it too. Always thought it got a bad rap. I also loved that sequence in 13th Warrior when he learned their language.
  17. Jason X was indeed trash, and he had a few other on there that I didn't care for, but he also had a lot I agreed with so it balanced out.
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