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Everything posted by finaljedi

  1. I will admit I prefer a company with a cafeteria. I really tried to get on at a finance company in Cincinnati that had free lunch and when I worked as a contracter for Luxottica at their North American retail headquarters I never once went out for lunch because their cafeteria was really good. I don't have a problem with company cafeterias, they've existed about as long as offices have and some of them have been free
  2. With 18 employees I doubt any design of any kind was done at her company. It was probably having her name stitched into clothing already designed and made in southeast Asia.
  3. Unfortunately I'm betting enough of the undersexed 20somethings that work in the administration know well enough to get policy implemented.
  4. Trump should ask Putin to send FSB investigators to get to the bottom of this.
  5. I feel like once upon a time every piece of info given out from a White House spokesperson was vetted and cleared through multiple levels before making its way to the public. I guess we can't expect that sort of thing from this administration.
  6. I don’t oppose it, healthcare is a shit show. I just don’t think America is going to get onboard single payer and the republicans won’t have any problem selling it as that.
  7. Oh, cool. So the Democrats are going to tea party themselves right before one of the shittiest Presidents goes up for re-election.
  8. I don't think the joke is the fact that they're both men, it's that Trump melts like butter when Putin is around and rarely says anything negative without first shitting on the country he decided to lead. I mean shit he thought Russia assisting in the investigation that Russia interfered in American elections was a great offer.
  9. Sometimes I feel sorry for Sanders, you know she’s sitting in her office, sees him say something idiotic and just says “fuck”. But then again she could quit and do something else.
  10. I think we need to cut him a break, upper management was standing right there, we all screw up a little bit when that happens.
  11. Apparently he has a controlling interest in Tesla, so they won't be able to Palmer Luckey him if he gets too rambunctious.
  12. My company raised its minimum wage to $15 an hour this month. The factory my brother works for refuses to start people above $14 an hour and he says they have meetings where management complains that people out there are deadbeats because they won't work a shitty hard labor job for $14 an hour. Good news is I'm the belle of the ball on LinkedIn, bad news is no one wants to pay me more than I'm making.
  13. I feel like they represented the fringe of reality, before this whole Trump thing he was mostly known as a goofy 9/11 truther.
  14. I’ve lived in Ohio my whole life and never stepped foot in an Ohio strip club. Been in strip clubs on vacation, but never even tried one here.
  15. I played through the opening with Primrose (noble born turned dancer) because I felt like playing a type of character I never usually play. I liked it, preordered from Amazon.
  16. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-adviser-threw-away-2480-sushi-order-after-server-gave-him-middle-finger-report-says/ar-AAzP9Zi Poor Miller
  17. The game is a make your own fun kind of thing. It's a big universe without much in the way of guidance. Go to resource extraction sites in the rings of planets, I'd keep out of hazardous ones until you get a decent ship, only attack ships with a wanted tag, space cops will engage too and help out, don't shoot them. It's a decent way to make money to start and get used to the fighting.
  18. I haven't played Origins, but I thought Horizon Zero Dawn looked great in HDR
  19. I'd say it's a good bet that six months after anything a lot of workers will get raises or bonuses. My company's fiscal year ends now, I have a bonus and a raise next week.
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