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Everything posted by CayceG

  1. Boba Fett died today Jeremy Bulloch, Original Boba Fett Actor in ‘Star Wars’ Films, Dies at 75 VARIETY.COM Jeremy Bulloch, the British actor who starred as bounty hunter Boba Fett in the original “Star Wars” trilogy, died in London. He was 75.
  2. The cylinder is actually an Imperial officer's code cylinder. It's another specialized access key, essentially. That was explored a bit in Rebels, so this isn't untrod ground for Filoni.
  3. This is a great reason that sets up a potential plot beat for the future.
  4. Tennessee keeps first COVID-19 vaccine doses as 'backup,' hospitals won’t get it until Thursday WWW.TENNESSEAN.COM Tennessee expects to receive 56,000 doses of Pfizer's two-dose coronavirus vaccine in an initial shipment arriving this week. We got our first ~1,000 vaccine doses here in Tennessee.... and promptly put them on a shelf. Because they are apparently the 'backup supply.' The main supply won't arrive for another two days. This is fucking insane.
  5. I got bored with Firefly about half way through and just punched out. I don't understand the show's appeal I guess.
  6. Yeah, I'll buy that. But I think if it's in service of the story, it's pretty acceptable. But I can see how it's a nitpick.
  7. So one of the cool things about this scene was at the end, Mayfeld says "I never saw your face," essentially allowing Mando some cover in terms of anyone else knowing he broke his creed. But he wouldn't have called him Brown Eyes to the ISB officer if Mayfeld hadn't gotten a really good look at him. These little flourishes are wonderful little treats when you go back to think about the character interactions.
  8. After seeing the entirety of Rebels and the original trilogy where either Chopper or R2-D2 just pops right up to a terminal and gets exactly what they need, it makes sense that this level of security exists.
  9. So this is good. As Mandalorian has shown, being influenced by other parts of the back-catalog can make for some wonderful content, while retreading the ground of previous entries in canon maybe isn't the best (as the prior discussion has covered).
  10. I do agree that Hux being made into comically bumbling in his EEE-ville-ness was a misstep. It took the venom out of him and lightened that weight too much.
  11. Since when has ANY Star Wars property involved showing us the character arriving at a planet anywhere except exactly where they need to be for the purposes of the story? Additionally, I think you're focusing on the fact that a baby was put in handcuffs and arriving at "Why are there baby handcuffs" rather than remembering that the galaxy is full of creatures of all shapes and sizes AND the Empire was a fascist nightmare, and maybe THAT explains why there are Grogu-sized cuffs. So I'll tell you what Mandalorian means to me. This latest episode really kinda brings a message and a deeper meaning and a really good character arc together in a way that resonates with me. Mando is the member of essentially a religious cult. When we first see him, he's just a cool bounty hunter. Then we are shown that he has this code that involves strict religious practices. The practices and beliefs are established through the first season while a bond is forming between Grogu and Mando. He has this duty to Grogu because Mando's creed says so. External characters exemplify this as well, providing a mirror for Mando's creed and showing him (and us) what it means to follow it. Now in the 2nd season, there's an exploration of Mando's beliefs. We're shown other Mandalorians outside his sect, and see their practices which clash with his. Outsiders (Mayfeld) point out apparent contradictions (or things that could be explained away by a zealot as, actually they aren't contradictory). And we see Mando do something to break a part of his creed in support another part of it. This echoes my spiritual journey. I was raised and grew up a conservative evangelical Christian. We had practices and beliefs that were different from other Christian groups. As I grew up and got out in the world I was exposed to people of other expressions of Christianity and others that weren't believers at all. The same differences in practice and questioning/criticism from outsiders that we watched in this season of The Mandalorian are things I experienced in the past. I have been in situations where my a religious practice was challenged to support another part of my religious creed. The questions that are there in the episodes are ones I have felt. What's more important? The little list of things you do and don't do to define you as a member of this religion? Or the ultimate goal that religion espouses? Or is something external to the religion's teaching more important than any of the former? To say that the show is cotton candy might work for you. But to others it has a deep and abiding meaning and I sincerely appreciate that it's being explored.
  12. I love love love his work. He will be missed, but we will always have his words.
  13. I wasn't aware of Wages of Fear, but the whole thing screamed "the wagon train has nitro glycerin in it and you're driving it through indian country" to me.
  14. That Good Thing from the prequels happened again, and it was magical.
  15. Oh my gooooood. I hope she recovers and has to take MERCILESS shit from everyone about it.
  16. I still think back to just how GOOD the scenes in The Force Awaken were where it introduces us to Rey. It shows her normal life on Jakku, her scavenging and returning to her hut, and up to when she meets BB-8... The cinematics, the music, the pacing--they were perfect. And why didn't it suffer like the rest of the movie? In the entire 5 minutes, there is hardly ANY dialogue. Very next scene? Poe's tortured by Kylo Ren and he's quipping his way through it. I promised myself I wouldn't get back on my bullshit, but here I am again! JJ Abrams is a fucking trash filmmaker.
  17. This show keeps topping itself. Each episode better and more impactful than the previous one.
  18. IDGAF about the sequels anymore. We've talked around them too much already. I'm fucking hype for a fighter pilot one-shot movie about a legendary fighter squadron. I'm excited to see what the world they inhabit is like, post TROS. I'm excited to see it come from someone who is not only a fan, but someone with that fighter pilot nerd background, AND someone that seems to have made an absolute banger with WW84.
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