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Everything posted by CayceG

  1. Nope! Completely new and it was a wonderful surprise to see coming Bo Katan--as people potentially familiar with her would trust her word.
  2. I get you on the discord. Not everyone is as terminally online as we are to join the discord
  3. Regardless. I'd like to hear peoples' takes on the OP article rather than user drama.
  4. No, I meant they ran him off. Also, yeah. I like having sblfilms and greatoneshere around.
  5. You seem to be very hostile towards people that enjoy a show in a different way from you. I don't mean to be judgy about you liking to binge. But whatever you may think about Disney or the Star Wars franchise, don't take it out on people like us in this thread that genuinely enjoy the stuff.
  6. I think Bacon's been spoiled by Netflix's dump and binge strategy.
  7. Video game stories have some pretty straight parallels to old serialized shows. "Go to X and get Y" is a video game thing, but it becomes storytelling when Z is at X trying to get Y and your purposes are different than theirs. That's conflict. Conflict makes for good gaming storylines, just like it made for good Gunsmoke episodes.
  8. This is true. It's terrible for information literacy and public information. But there is a tension with the importance of the journalism field (industry?) and how you pay for that. Subscription models aren't good for everyone. Locking them down behind paywalls is worse. You can't fund really GOOD journalism through patreon or whatever. Venture capital is never beneficial to society because it's commonly self- or capital-serving rather than social focused... I don't know that there's a good answer. Public funding sounds pretty ineffective because why would the government fund its own check on power? I don't know man...
  9. My thing is usually with seeing the first stage booster landing. That shit is awesome and I want to see it every time. But like, it IS inherently risky to crew and will never not be. I think once this gets routine (if it hasn't already) people will be shocked when an issue crops up that potentially kills.
  10. Holy shit. Trump should be executed for this. I usually reign in my language in a recordable, scrape-able format such as a forum, but this it beyond the pale. Trump is going to be responsible for even more deaths in the deadliest time of this pandemic. He is betraying the country and personally responsible and deserves nothing less than death at the hands of the State.
  11. Still waiting for "Sorry we missed you! We only have to be lucky once, but you have to be lucky all the time!"
  12. Statues aren't for education. They're for edification. Having a statue with a plaque that says "actually, dude sucked" doesn't accomplish anything beyond 'both sides' nonsense. Do what one of the ex-USSR countries did. Take all the statues of Confederate Generals and put them in one park in the south dedicated to the myth that the Daughters of the Confederacy and KKK tried to cultivate and to the white supremacy that was allowed to propagate through the installation of all these statues. Make the park a memorial to the oppression caused by the people that wanted the statues installed and the people that kept them up through history. That's how you educate using these statues.
  13. I'm going to my mom's for thanksgiving. Me, her, brother, and grandad. Then the next day I'm doing the same with my dad. Me, dad, his gf, and my brother again. It should be fine. But I don't know what dad's doing the day before. If he goes to his gf's thanksgiving and it's a whole big deal, then I'm basically banking on that one-day period not being enough to be infectious.
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