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Everything posted by unogueen

  1. Don't matter. sentiment is a far cry from a body shield.
  2. Emotional labour is a nursing term, to prepare and engender empathy for the inevitable and all too close contact with complete strangers, nevermind their shit families and shit co-workers. Having your feelings hurt has nothing to do with it.
  3. Inceldom may start with celibacy, but it's the dedication to their propriety to sex that marks it further than regular virginity. These are dudes who want to groom their daughters into tradwifes for other incels. And rather than couch for it 'tradition' like mormons and ilk, they consider women to be biologically flawed and not fit for individualism. Much of the arguments come from a flawed sense of predator-prey dynamics rather than what actually history teaches.
  4. biotruths but without an iota of historical fact. Fuck the rational west.
  5. To anyone still eating this garbage. The next step is donuts.
  6. unogueen


    Kissing, lots of it.
  7. China is already sitting on a golden goose. Whether Russia 'wins' or not, their relationship becomes increasingly lopsided towards China. Taiwan is a terrible place for a flashpoint since so much integral international infrastructure is there. The worst case scenario is Japan's saber rattling becoming increasingly erratic. Korea is tired as shit of being the natural path for China, Russia, and Japan for millennia, not like this past century has been kind in the least. Edit: What'd be great is if the perpetually online would shut their trap about machinations of lands that do not touch them. The average bum is dizzy with aches and stress from the everyday grind and barely comprehends the politics of their own nation, let alone lend to the fustrum of foreign nightmares.
  8. As someone who grew up around secret police and 'diappearances', the cops are the other side of the tennis court from your boss.
  9. Let's be serious. America didn't go to Afghanistan to instigate 'regime change'. Whatever band of haggard assholes they tied together as government were as much assholes as the last guys, just less interested in piety and more in bleeding the coffers offshore. Now that America is done with whatever, the money that is the PROPERTY OF THE CITIZENS OF AFGHANISTAN is being divvied up by the colonial force that sat their ass on the people's chest for the last 20 fucking years. And the 'slippery slope now is 'what about terrorism'? Listen bucko. Terrorism is much more a force in the lives that America touches than the home soil that serves as the pinnacle of excess in the world. No one with a modicum of comfort gives a shit beyond maintaining it. And those with the most are ones all too interested in denying others. Learn about the fucking world already.
  10. We've been witness to so much already. This situation is spiraling faster and faster. I don't expect much word about Africa, South Asia, or Southeast Asia and the Pacific on the grapevine. Our nutrition depends on our labour. I cannot imagine this much of a miscalculation.
  11. WAS high. On review my original post is pretty selfish. Not following with the econ angle. As a foodservice worker in year three of covid I've seen the entire model come undone in a way I didn't think was possible in such short time. From supply chains to labour issues, it's a problem that people don't seem to apply enough nuance to. It's not about being without candy bars, but the top to bottom industrialized model isn't a matter of isolated islands. The only thing I see following all these changes is a global shitstorm that no one seems to be vocal enough about. Much like the covid contrarians are expecting some thanos snap event, there's an expectation of a 'revelation' but we're already in the climate change phase. And I'm increasingly baffled by the lack of urgency among the greater political spectrum.
  12. If an extinction event isn't enough to thwart doubters, how about the fact of 'borrowed' labour. Some seem to prescribe capitalism as an analogue to the competitive spirit, but it's too facile facing reality. The global south is an assembly line for the western middle class dream. It hasn't been interrupted for as long as it started. The labour that makes the candy bar machine exists is an existential dread across many in the world. But this isn't enough to sway some minds. The upcoming ecological turning point will paint many to death. And as careless it may be, the pennies of labour that the expendable bodies harboured disappears as well.
  13. Sounds about like two burrito combos from a rideshare app.
  14. 1. Go to party. 2. Exchange furtive glances with cutie. 3. Oh god they're approaching, RUN! 4. Go home and cry.
  15. Distract their elders with drone bingo while flooding meth into the streets. They know what to do.
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