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GPU Historian
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Everything posted by Reputator

  1. Oh I don't doubt you. I just imagine being a guy that's actually very accomplished as an actor and all people say when you're around is "That's All State's stand."
  2. It's their loss! Also I can see Kevin Smith's remarks about He-Man and Skeletor not being sidelined as being in reference to the series as a whole. Part 1 was almost a prolong to setting up MOTU Skeletor. Prince Adam is injured but not dead by the end of the first five episodes, so he could appear as a more prominent character in Part 2.
  3. Finished Part 1. The emotional moments were a bit forced, but the story and action are very enjoyable. They're definitely setting up Teela to be the next Champion, and again my fantasy of seeing mass neckbeard pacemaker failure is at an all-time wet peak!
  4. I finished the first two episodes. I can already imagine the neckbeards foaming at the mouth as the second episode doesn't feature He-Man at all. I kinda wish Teela and her "friend" randomly broke out into a full on makeout session just so the man-children's pacemakers short out.
  5. This sounds like a post you'd see on a special "Did Jason Mamoa give a bro pat" Twitter account.
  6. That one was answered in the episode after it happened. Mobius questions Loki and finds out he and Sylvie started falling for each other, and says that sort of thing could destroy reality (or some-such).
  7. I think the timeline carpet bombing was just to occupy most of the TVA while she snuck into the golden room. Could be wrong, but I don't think it was supposed to be more than that.
  8. Yeah I have to agree. Most of Disney's and Pixar's movies lately haven't had the visceral emotional discharge that some of their greatest films have. Although I think I liked Soul better than you did. Despite the parts that definitely sagged and the predictable plot points, the emotional core of appreciating life definitely hit hard for me, and I liked that quite a bit. Also I like jazz music. I also agree that Toy Story 3 was better than 4, but 4 was still better than it had any right to be, considering how unnecessary it felt when it was announced.
  9. OK yeah that is dope as shit.
  10. No one's going to tell you you HAVE to use Premiere but that's what I use.
  11. Sure I can offer some advice. I'd definitely get your front page looking good. Most people find you through your videos, but the next thing they'll look at is your YouTube page. Working on that actually involves a bit of pre-planning. Looks like you have a logo, so the next thing I'd think about is a color scheme of some sort. Pick two to three colors and a font you'll use. These colors and font will be part of the branding and design look of your channel, and you'll want to use them in each video you produce as your sort of "signature". You can come up with other things as well get across branding (phrases or gimmicks), but those colors and the font are fundamental. So using that, I'd come up with a clean but attractive looking banner. Here's the resolution template you'll want to use to make it. Then in the YouTube Studio under Customization, you'll want to upload the banner and get your video watermark going. Fill out your "Basic info", link to whatever social media you have, and this is also where you'll want to link to that blog you were talking about. Looks like your channel is a Let's Play style channel. So with that you gotta upload frequently, and you'll also want to do lots of series as well. Make liberal use of Playlists when you do video series. You may even want to come up with creative ideas for these series. "Minecraft Played Entirely With Golden Tools" or some whacky shit like that. If people see a 32 video series on a concept, they're more likely (in my experience) to marathon and get hooked to what you do. I wouldn't worry about livestreaming until you build up a pretty decent size audience. You got a good attitude about it though. The people hoping to strike it big are the people that burn out. If you're doing it to enjoy it, you can have some fun with it. Work hard because you're making something you want to be proud of. Don't expect to be rewarded for your hard work. You gotta be almost entirely self-motivated. It's SO easy to get fixated on views, especially if a video randomly gets picked up by the almighty algorithm. That's addicting. You'll want to figure out how to trigger that... except you can't because it's almost entirely random. Reason it's random is because people are fickle. One week your video about videogame chickens is a huge success. Next week you make a part 2 on almost entirely the same premise and it gets a fraction of the views. YouTube's algorithm chases people's interests, and people's interests are always in flux. So don't try to please it. Just try to please yourself. Content creation is mostly a masturbatory exercise!
  12. POLYBIUS! Great episode. It will be interesting to see where the Loki character goes after this. A Loki that isn't a mischievous scamp? A more reliable, hero Loki? It could backfire but (perhaps due to Hiddleston's indelible charm) it's still hard not to find him likeable. Hopefully he doesn't just become a boring, less capable magic-wielder relative to Dr. Strange and Wanda.
  13. Really? I think it's WAY more interesting that she changed her body shape to do the role. Anyone can just put on a costume.
  14. "The cause of death has not yet been released." I'm not a coroner but let me give it a stab. HE WAS FUCKING OLD.
  15. That I don't know, but it would be kinda weird to ignore her character I'd think, since the show continues directly off the 80s show and the two definitely had episodes together.
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