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Everything posted by Reputator

  1. I'm not even at the level of an armchair lawyer, but I feel like they have a pretty good free speech angle that should make any legitimate judge stop and give consideration. And the agreement Disney's outgoing board made before the Tourism Oversite Committee took over doesn't seem as easy to nullify as DeSantis would like to think.
  2. I think the Presidential debates are done. Trump only did, what was it...two of them against Biden? And maybe they move the needle, maybe they don't, but they're such an embarrassment to the country that I really hope they don't put on another one of those circuses.
  3. Hmmm... Maybe I should revisit it. But I'd need to upgrade my Disney+ account to include Hulu. Which I've been thinking about doing anyway, off and on.
  4. Yeah the ad isn't bad. I think he has a pretty good shot if he just presses on how extreme the other side is, and everything he was able to accomplish his first term.
  5. Well that's why they're just opinions. To be fair, Season 2 premiered a long ass time ago and I don't remember much about it. I do remember a number of recycled jokes and self-referencing which tends to turn me off.
  6. I haven't watched this show since Season 2, and I didn't even finish it. I remember Season 1 being so phenomenal that I pretty much wrote off S2 when it seemed apparent it was huge step back, and I figured they had spent all their good ideas the first time around and didn't have what it took to keep up the magic. Plus I just plain stopped watching TV.
  7. Haha oh man, Onion hit it out of the park agai.........oh shit
  8. "Fuck you!", "No fuck YOU!" could be read as mutually agreeing.
  9. There's no way to do that. We all know you're lying.
  10. This is one of those times I'm more than happy to be wrong!
  11. Shit, yeah. He has CONSISTENTLY done some of my favorite episodes of the series. Easily better than Jon Favreau, even.
  12. I feel like it would have gotten a handful more cross-platform ports but anything that needed dual analog would have still turned off a lot of gamers.
  13. They will be expanding their extremism with a smaller and smaller base. The thing to remember with these policies is that they are deeply unpopular among majority of Americans. They are increasingly aliening of voters, and antithetical to most newer generation millennials and especially zoomers. While a handful of states can put out the most aggressively anti-LGBTQ bills since like the 70s, the nation as a whole is getting more progressive. The problem the GOP has is that they've spent too long in an echo chamber. They took the poison pill with Trump, and many (including Tucker Carlson) knew this would likely be the death of the party. But Trump was a popularist and pretended to be moderate on many social issues, so he won one term. But the foaming at the mouth triggered by the audacity of voting a black man into the White House, and spearheaded by folks like Glenn "Whiteboard" Beck, was just the start of the downward spiral. They're digging themselves into a hole. These are the flailings, the last gasps by a slowly dying party, and some Republicans are even aware of it. This is about abortion but it could easily be applied to anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and even a growing sentiment against (at the very least) the availability of automatic rifles and gun violence as a whole. Every once in a while a GOP member will accidently say the quiet part out loud, and suddenly you get a glimpse into what they're really thinking. Some of the things they say are even more extreme and sociopathic than the bills they're writing, and some of the other things are also like this, sober and lucid realizations that appealing solely to further reaches of your fringe base pushes the rest away an equal amount. It's a contest of one-upmanship, where the prize is a tiny island isolated from the rest of the world.
  14. Fundamentally they view trans people as a threat. They view them as evil. This is not about real-world "effects" of having trans people around, this is about a religious crusade. And fundamentally they don't know what trans people even are, how a person becomes trans, or how that can even be positive. Amd they have no interest in learning (remember, the Bible teaches that knowledge is evil!). They think a person can be turned trans (or gay) just by hearing about it or seeing it. They think it's a belief, or a disease. Ultimately they think it's something the world should be rid of, so they're doing all they can to remove their freedoms and way of life.
  15. While some of these provisions just seem deeply unconstitutional, I don't think there's any limit to what Florida will try. Banning gays from holding hands in public wouldn't be out of the question at this point.
  16. Are there people online bashing something related to Star Wars? The answer is always yes.
  17. It's still by far the series (not season) low point. This was a very strong finish. Seeing Din Djarin and Grogu fight together for the first time was awesome, and him officially adopting him as his son was heartwarming. Definitely agree with @Kal-El814 that this could be the end of the series and it would be a satisfying ending. They really tied up all the loose ends. This morning Twitter was showing #Ezra as trending, so the whole day leading up to watching the episode tonight I was excitedly hoping to see his live action debut, but no. That's OK, it's not like they could really fit him in the story at that point without being a bit hamfisted, but I thought there might be a teaser at the end or something. There wasn't even a stinger after the credits this time!
  18. I wish someone could offer you words of encouragement, but yeah. You really just need to get out of this state ASAP. And in the meantime...
  19. Settling is the Trump tactic. Settle so you can say you never lost, nothing was proven. To the public it's the same as being not guilty.
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