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Everything posted by PaladinSolo

  1. Couple guys at work which is in rural NY were talking about how people should just avoid every city anymore because its apparently all shootings, drugs, and homeless people everywhere, and i'm just thinking, one of our employees husband murdered a woman, yesterday i saw a guy sleeping in a gazebo behind the courthouse on the way into work, and at one time our county was the meth capital of the world. I just don't bother to engage cause it gets really stupid.
  2. Trump isn't going to the first debate, and instead is giving an interview to Tucker Carlson, honestly going to be funny if he just doesn't run, and all these idiots bought Trump 2024 swag, lol.
  3. This doesn't make someone unsuitable to own a home, they're going to do the same thing if they rented, lol. I would say there are definitely people out there who are unable or unwilling to care for a home, so renting is definitely something that should be available.
  4. You're over thinking it, attacking the brown guy is cause brown people aren't allowed in their version of America.
  5. I've been at odds with my family my entire adult life when it comes to politics, even talking about gas prices yesterday my dad truly thought oil companies were struggling and thought it was because of Biden that we weren't producing more oil, when i told him they were making record profits and were absolutely fine with that he just thought i was making shit up. Then started claiming that they believed whales were beaching themselves because of the construction of offshore windmills, and was wondering why liberals all of a sudden didn't care about the whales, lol, also didn't believe me that whales beaching themselves has been a thing throughout human history, with only sonar being linked in anyway to an increase of beaching events, but nope it was 100% the construction of offshore windmills. I told him to stop watching the news channel that he watches (fox) and he proceeded to claim he watches CBS all the time, but of course as soon as i look up this insane theory, Tucker Carlson was pushing back in Jan/Feb before he was canned, which then led to republicans repeating it making it apparently true to them.
  6. Yeah it clearly makes sense to force everyone to read shit from people they hate, who paid to make sure you saw their posts.
  7. Quite a bit of them were built actually, lol. That wasn't the part of nation building that failed, building a stable government not rife with corruption is what failed. I'm sure you're right though and that the average Afghan was worse off when the US was there, and that the Taliban would have built way more schools and hospitals.
  8. The border is just a dumb topic, majority of the people crossing turn themselves in and claim asylum, and most smuggling happens at border crossing points, most conservatives seem to think its all tunnels and hundreds of people crossing in the cover of darkness and scattering, lol. Basically the entire issue of "The Border" can't be solved at the border, but back in the countries of origin, and the drug issues here.
  9. No it doesn't make sense, he lives in Malibu, and secret service is renting a place next to him, they do this for all presidents families. The best part is having not heard this one before, looking it up and of course finding it started with some conservative op-ed just claiming he lived in the WH because he went to camp David 2 weekends in a row with his father, some chud says something and the rest parroting it till all of them have said it and essentially becomes reality to conservatives.
  10. Always down for a new RTS, even if the C&C style isn't my fav, but so few these days.
  11. While the rank and file GOP voters would vote for him, hes absolutely not an electable candidate for the general, and he absolutely has a track record, which is why after just a tiny bit of air time he started to crater once people knew who he was. For comparison hes running nearly 6 points behind both Biden and Trump on favorability.
  12. Suburbs getting bluer is common across the country, the rurals got a lot redder though, which is why the GOP hasn't gotten wiped out.
  13. California was just the first, at the moment its probably not even in the top 10 for housing inflation these days, still the most expensive, but its prices are stable compared to Florida.
  14. Just as a refresher on the afghan withdrawal i brought up an old NYTs article, and came across a real gem. We have it good now. “I really believe the Taliban wants to do something to show that we’re not all wasting time,” President Trump said in Washington hours after the agreement had been signed. “If bad things happen, we’ll go back.” In rambling remarks on Afghanistan at a news conference on the coronavirus epidemic, Mr. Trump also seemed to suggest that the Taliban might be America’s newfound allies. “I’ll be meeting personally with Taliban leaders in the not-too-distant future, and will be very much hoping that they will be doing what they say,” the president said. “They will be killing terrorists. They will be killing some very bad people. They will keep that fight going.” Anyways, it was overall a good thing that we left, 20 years of stupidity there, and a lot of the chaos that happened was due to the Afghan president being a coward and fleeing the country after a deal was in place to keep the Taliban out of Kabul till the US completed its withdrawal, once he did that the security in the city evaporated and the city devolved into chaos. No idea why anyone looks back on the withdrawal and comes away thinking anything other than good. Honestly though i've just gotten to the point where when people bitch about things i just ask how their guy would fix it, I know they won't have answer because they're just given enough info and told to be mad about it and thats it.
  15. GOP polls are funny, their front runner in the primary has an absolutely abysmal approval rating nationally, but they refuse to vote for anyone else, lol.
  16. You mean people who think its their god given right to blow anyone away who slightly inconveniences them or puts 1 foot on their land aren't actually followers of christ but just programmed to believe they are?
  17. I can confirm 1 is happening, HS friend and her husband, both teachers moved back to NY for this reason.
  18. I generally just keep swapping parts till i get to the point where its either the motherboard or CPU and buy new ones if i get there since I never have another CPU of the same socket or motherboard.
  19. Its wild how many orgs run shit from some "top adviser for X" saying the economy is about to take a nose dive any day now, for like that past 2 years, and like clockwork anymore the numbers come out and everything is fine, lol.
  20. Keeping out brown people is extremely popular among the elderly regardless of party.
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