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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. The last time the world ended it started in the gulf of Mexico too. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicxulub_crater
  2. Clothes, car, chair, desk, favorite mug, that weird snack she doesn't like, trash duty
  3. I just wanted to post in this thread to state that I don't care.
  4. Probably just reducing the amount of toys should help with trying to protect them. I can't introduce certain types of toys with mine because they start getting angry at each other over them. The temptations is let's get them something fun, but if it leads to a fight that's less fun.
  5. This. In CA you have zero options. Then you have PG&E causing the giant fires due to negligent maintenance. It's all a different flavors of bullshit.
  6. I just dealt with signing up for electricity in TX, it was easy. I went with a 100% solar power fixed rate plan. Having lived through the California black outs with PG&E, SDGE, and whatever LA had, I don't think liberals are free to point fingers yet.
  7. Nothing has happened, therefore it's a security concern, make more bombs!!
  8. ‘They can’t do it without us’: Black TikTokers strike to protest dance appropriation | TikTok | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Some refuse to choreograph Megan Thee Stallion song, highlighting how white users get credit for Black creativity
  9. Shits getting old, water is getting higher softening soil, it's also fucking hot softening structures. Posting this before the mass exodus away from the coast in ~6yr @Keyser_Sozecan hold out for that La Jolla John McCain property soon
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