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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. I got banned from NeoGaf because I laughed at something and I got banned from r/sino for making fun of them calling EU dirty when coronavirus was spreading there.
  2. Something something bigots something something give me money
  3. Speaking of which, I went to get the mail wearing my BEHEMOTH shirt that has 3 upside down crucifixes and says L C F R and some lady was walking out and went "Jesus!!!" And scurried away.
  4. That does seem to really be her account based on her posts/responses. I mean.. I don't agree with them kicking her out for existing but what else would you expect?? This is who they are.
  5. I love her fox videos, it's literally just a lady saying hi to foxes and I can watch forever
  6. That makes it way better!! I love it. I love that they made the grandest set of movies look so small. It's their own work and instead of masturbating to it they turned it upside down. Amazing! Before I was like wow what are they gonna do after End Game??? And now I'm like omg give me more, avengers who? Ps please end up with xmen
  7. All these fools need is to leave the Hilton Anatole and go to Lower Greenville for a drink to snap out of this shit, although they look like they're 5
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