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Everything posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. Elsewhere in Canada... Police will have enhanced presence downtown amid concerns over hate speech, violence at Al Quds Day protest WWW.CP24.COM Toronto police say that they will have an enhanced presence downtown this weekend as more than a dozen protests take place, including a pro-Palestinian rally that has been the site of clashes between demonstrators in the past.
  2. The administrators/teachers unions aren't helping themselves -- one example from the last week from the union that represents the teachers at my kid's school. The strangest parts are in the first two articles and the middle school lesson plans. Whether you agree with the content or not, it's clear that a lot of parents would have issues with the politics in this paper. On a tangent, this is one of the strangest things I have read in a long time about someone travelling to a park on the outskirts of a Hamilton suburb:
  3. Poutine frequently has meat added to it. Brisket, ham, bacon, chicken, steak, etc.
  4. You think you did.... Best Poutine Pizza Recipes | Food Network Canada WWW.FOODNETWORK.CA A recipe for making the best Poutine Pizza
  5. I dunno. How can it be better than Poutine itself? The Quebec Poutinerie across from my office has a poutine, where they chop up these and add them in. Turns out if you add random fast food to poutine, it makes it even better.
  6. Yup. "Now we want to work with the known so-called “High Tc Superconductors”, and see whether we can operate Josephson diodes at temperatures above 77 K, since this will allow for liquid nitrogen cooling. " 77 K =-196 C = -321 F
  7. The biggest challenge with super conductors seems to be their operating temperatures. I always find it strange that the preamble talks about replacing all ICs with Super Conductors, and then in the detail say the next step is to get them working at temperatures above 77k. They believe they have found a way to make computer chips out of super conductors, which would make them much faster, and use significantly less energy.
  8. The WR market seems to have gone insane this year. I am not sure anyone predicted that.
  9. Chaya Raichik won't be 'silenced' despite 'Libs of TikTok' outing NYPOST.COM Chaya Raichik was revealed to be the person behind the "Libs of TikTok" Twitter account that has attracted more than 845,000 followers. Previously, the Post (and others) reported that her home and work addresses were linked in the original WaPo article.
  10. Draft is in Vegas, with no picks for the Raiders until the 3rd round. I haven't even followed draft coverage this year.
  11. No. The WaPo piece didn't need to release her name or link to her business license to make its point. It was superfluous to the story. If there was a link to something else the person had done previously, that releasing the name achieved (i.e. by showing a link to a hate group, etc.) then, by all means. Do it.
  12. That justifies it being printed in the Washington Post and making it widely available?
  13. They made no claims on effectiveness vs. serious disease or death in their press release.
  14. Managing to get Elon Musk and Ben Shapiro in the same tweet is god-tier tweet posting.
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