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Everything posted by AbsolutSurgen

  1. I am in Quebec this week, which still has a mask mandate, so I don't know what adherence is in Ontario first hand. We sent our kids to school, and told them they had to take a mask with them, but it was up to them about whether they decided to wear one. All are vaccinated. 1) My son in Grade 9 says about 50% are wearing masks. Has decided not to wear one. 2) My son in Grade 7 says about 66% are wearing masks, he has decided to wear one for now. But, plans on stopping soon. 3) My daughter in kindergarten says about half of the kids are wearing them. She hates masks and doesn't want to wear one.
  2. I suggest he did the first well (I don't think I would frame them as LPC voters)-- I don't see NDP support being notably lower now than when Harper was PM. I think there are a group of swing voters that sometimes vote conservative, and sometimes vote Liberal. Most of them voted Conservative in 2006/2008/2011, and many of them voted Liberal in 2015/2019/2021.
  3. Does this kind of agreement progress his long-term goals? This is what I doubt. Fundamentally Jagmeet will have to play this as him getting his way. Trudeau will have to play it as him doing what he was going to anyways, and receiving the NDP's support anyway. Those kind of partnerships never end well.
  4. It's always tough to work in an environment where people don't share your views. I hope you're able to negotiate something for yourself that makes you more comfortable.
  5. They're claiming 100km -- which is probably ideal conditions. Charges in 30 minutes on a Level 3 charger. This won't work for the hardcore who want to put in 500km in a day -- but probably works for other folks.
  6. According to their website it weighs 650 lbs -- which is just slightly above the normal weight of a snowmobile 500-600 pounds.
  7. Trudeau is making a play to be supported by the right. Conservatives are trying to convince swing Conservative/Liberal swing voters that he is moving to the left, and further away from the centre. The optics of the deal make a pretty compelling argument for this. If you're making a deal with the NDP, it makes intuitive sense that you're moving to the left. For example, the people who voted for Ford and Trudeau in Ontario -- they are unlikely to have a positive view of the federal NDP.
  8. Taiga starts deliveries of its electric snowmobile - Electrek ELECTREK.CO Taiga Motors announced that it officially started deliveries of the production version of its electric snowmobile: the 2022 Nomad. It’s obviously a bit late in the season, but it is still an important step for the company and for the electrification of powersports. Like the auto industry, the powersports world is being electrified, and Quebec-based […]
  9. Drew Lock? Looks to see if Seahawks are on Raiders schedule. All kidding aside -- you don't want him as your starter unless you are tanking.
  10. There are PC governments in Ontario (who is also leading in the polls), New Brunswick, PEI and Nova Scotia. The only Liberal provincial governments are in Newfoundland and the Yukon. The riding I live in overwhelmingly voted for both Trudeau and Doug Ford. It demonstrates that there are a rather substantial group of people who are willing to vote for both parties. Pushing the Liberals further towards the left is likely to make them less attractive to that group, and push some % of them to vote Conservative (particularly if a non-Western centrist wins the party leadership).
  11. Any pressure they put on the Liberals to move left benefits the Conservatives, and reduces NDP support.
  12. Historically, parties have learned that being part of a "coalition" means the junior partner gets killed in the polls at the next election. Why would they do this if they don't get any Ministers? Since there can't be anything legally binding, any deal is only one confidence vote away from evaporating.
  13. We know they give out Super Bowls to shitty, rapey humans.
  14. I don't think rich white foreign celebrities should claim to be speaking on behalf of an indigenous tribe in that situation.
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