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Everything posted by Remarkableriots

  1. Charley Pride, country music's first Black superstar, dies at 86 of COVID-19 complications WWW.GOOGLE.COM Country music legend Charley Pride, who became the genre's first Black superstar, died Saturday at age 86.
  2. Makes perfect sense to me. Even if the Emperor returned he didn't use his old Empire to try to take over the galaxy again. He had a new army to replace his failed Empire and everything else being destroyed prevents them from turning against him.
  3. If i went to pick up my order from Char-B-Que it would take over an hour each way taking the bus. By the time i got home the food would be cold.
  4. If they want to add some more weapons and have someone move into the tower that has developed darkness weapons that you can build or research. Maybe that's next season?
  5. Joe Manganiello Shares New Details About Ben Affleck's Scrapped Batman Movie - IGN WWW.IGN.COM Actor Joe Manganiello sheds light on how Deathstroke would have played into Ben Affleck's canceled version of The Batman, and why Slade has a new hairdo in The Snyder Cut. This could have been interesting.
  6. Can't find a PS5? Try Wendy's WWW.GOOGLE.COM Wendy's, which in recent months has added fried chicken sandwiches and Pretzel Bacon Pub Cheeseburgers to its menu, has something else new in its lineup: celebrity gamers. Looks like some of you need to start buying some Wendy's! I'll even help out buy eating the food!
  7. What power lvl are you at now? I'm 1238 and lvl 62 for the season which is my fastest so far. 6,222/16,610 current triumphs.
  8. I didn't know you could replay Destiny original story in Destiny 2 but not exactly the same? Haven't played that in a very long time. I picked up a couple missions from a terminal i never noticed before by the mail person.
  9. Something like this is what I'm talking about. https://www.swisscolony.com/p/26-surefire-pleasers-000654.html?cgid=meats-cheeses#source=bing&code=Generic-SC&medium=inhaus&link=sausages&cm_mmc=bing-_-Generic-SC-_-Generic-Meats-_-sausages&cm_mmca1=PBN&mkwid=FVemWsBg-dt_pcrid_12389121927_pkw_sausages_pmt_bp_slid__product__pgrid_5207205814_ptaid_kwd-31104341729%3Aloc-190_&msclkid=4ce5412246461e9ecf481eefc4ccffbb&start=1 I want to treat myself by getting one for the holidays but haven't picked one yet. Do you guys have a favorite? I like this one because it has ham, sausage and cheese.
  10. Sugar Is a Drug and Here’s How We’re Hooked WWW.HEALTHLINE.COM Research says that our brains are hardwired for pleasure and sugar works like many addictive drugs. So, are we sugar fiends?
  11. What if he talked to Darth Plagueis who takes over his body? Grogu becomes a Darth and tries to take over the galaxy!
  12. We have to stop @legend from downloading himself into that computer and taking over the world!
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