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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. I made a bunch of meme money when AMC went crazy a few years ago. Will lightning strike twice? BUY???
  2. Not middle America, but I don't think Newsome would do well in Nevada and Arizona because of the general dislike of Californians in those states.
  3. Judge McCaffee has made a ruling on the whole DA Willis sex scandal thing: Willis must decide whether to withdraw her entire team (which would mean a different county/prosecutor would have to take up the case) OR Nathan Wade has to be removed from the prosecution's team. Also, the judge didn't throw out any of the charges against Trump and his chuds.
  4. I agree. It's not just the "what" a person does or has done, it's "how" they accomplish those things. I have passed up hiring applicants in the past because it was clear that even if they were highly talented and skilled, they'd burn every bridge along their path.
  5. Gen Z has the attention span that rivals the length of a TikTok video, so I'm assuming Biden will be fine come November.
  6. Hello! None of what you said changes the fact that if a person applies themselves, builds up their skillset, knowledge, and/or experience, they should be passed up for a job or other opportunity because of some historical injustice that they personally didn't take part in.
  7. The US House of Representatives has overwhelmingly passed a bill that would effectively ban TikTok from America unless the current owners can sell their stake in the app within the next 6 months. The bill will now go over to the Senate. And if it's passed by the Senate, President Biden has promised that he would sign the bill into law. Just a moment... WWW.POLITICO.COM
  8. Isn't Rodgers some kind of chud? If so, this is great news for Biden, as a Kennedy/Rodgers ticket would potentially siphon votes from Trump to a greater degree than from Biden.
  9. Therapy is helpful. Our own daughter goes to therapy and it's been really good for her. I do think that our niece's particular therapist was a poor fit. I'm not well versed on the laws or policies concerning these things, I'll admit. Quickly looking into it, the state where our niece lives, gender affirming care (including hormone treatments) are available to minors with parental consent. I was just offering an anecdote about a family experience.
  10. My niece was convinced she was a boy after going to therapy, and went as far as legally changing her name to a boy's name. She changed her mind and wanted to be a girl again about a year later, and thankfully didn't take any type of hormones or have any surgeries during that time period.
  11. Aren't most people who live on Crimea ethnic/linguistically Russian? I thought that was one of the reasons why the 2014 invasion of the island was such a cakewalk for Russia.
  12. But how does lowering the bar help anyone? I still think it was shortsighted for us as society to replace equality with equity.
  13. But this isn't a new thing. Fully integrated Americans generally have a negative view of those coming here (illegally or not). 100 years ago, the sentiment towards Italian immigrants was pretty dim, and those new comers were called some pretty vulgar things. 100 years later, the descendants of those Italian immigrants don't want new people coming here, because in their minds, they are undesirable. Today's immigrants from Latin America were yesterday's immigrants from Ireland, Italy, and Russia, among other places.
  14. Nothing wrong with calling someone here illegally, an illegal in my opinion. Especially someone who allegedly murdered someone.
  15. Who's bright idea was it that getting rid of algebra would help with equity? lmao
  16. Who knew that another liberal justice would have the balls to outdo Ginsberg in hubris?
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