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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. I lived in San Diego for 5 years when I was in the Navy. I've never actually been to Santee I think.
  2. With a name like that, I would never have guessed California. But it was Santee, AKA Klantee... I'm not surprised.
  3. What Wade said, plus the military. That's where I received my most impactful education, training, and experience.
  4. I agree as long as due process is followed. Give the person a day in court to argue their side. If they lose, they lose. Take their guns then.
  5. I've read that a strategy that California may take is to not appeal - because if they appeal there is a greater chance that it could get taken up by SCOTUS. Based on the current makeup of the Supreme Court this could result in not only California having to allow standard capacity magazines, but every single other state that currently restricts magazines to 10 rounds. California might end up "taking one for the team" so the other 8 states that have magazine restrictions can keep their bans.
  6. All I care is that the Mariner's started 3-0. THIS IS THE YEAR the mariners fail to make the playoffs again.
  7. Booty surges to 4%, tied with Warren. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/436215-poll-biden-leads-2020-dem-field-by-double-digits-followed-by-sanders-and?__twitter_impression=true
  8. True. But as a counterpoint: People under 40 have spent a large portion of their lives online, often non-anonymously, and often saying/doing things that would be embarrassing or career ending if they were brought to attention. This is something that is going to have to be grappled with as more and more gen-x/y/millennial run for public office. Their only hope to keep all of that stuff hidden is an EMP attack on the United States.
  9. I read that book. I thought it was pretty good. Disturbing and sad in some places. Although I doubt an EMP attack could cause the amount of disruption that is described in the book, it could still cause major problems.
  10. I'll be honest that I don't know all of Buttigieg's policy positions, and I would likely disagree with many of them, but he just seems like a solid candidate without a lot of baggage. As far as being a gay candidate...He doesn't come off as "gay", or flamboyant, so it's going to be difficult for opponents to use that particular aspect against him. Plus it absolutely helps that he served in the military. I wish we had more candidates who were veterans.
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