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Everything posted by MarSolo

  1. All Trump had to do was be shown wearing a mask ONCE, and it wouldn’t have been a partisan issue, but God forbid that fucking idiot smear his makeup.
  2. People don’t realize how long early November to mid January is in Trump time. The amount of shit that could happen between now and then is mind-boggling. And the transition ceremony? Forget that even happening.
  3. Okay, as a Mac user for the past decade or so, what does this mean in layman’s terms? My computer speak has gone to shit over the years.
  4. Racist? He made Captain Jim West, a black man, one of the first members of the Secret Service!
  5. Between Trump calling Antifa a terrorist organization and this new tweet claiming his fall was a set up, I’d be fearing for my own safety if I’m Martin Gugino. Remember the MAGA Bomber?
  6. Shit, I live in Philly, we’re the HOME of Antifa. Feds, call me. Pay me in cash though so George Soros doesn’t know.
  7. That tweet really needs A LOT more attention. Jesus Christ, that’s a new low. And you know he’s going to harp on this when he gets to go to his Nazi Rallies.
  8. Wait a minute... did Trump really share the black on black crime image?
  9. I’m in the same boat here. The same thing happened with James Gunn before Disney reversed course.
  10. Elongated Man is no more. Yikes. He was the only entertaining part of the show at this point.
  11. I’m worried about the jokes that would come out from Biden/Bottoms 2020, especially if he loses. “Biden Bottoms Out!”
  12. The best part of all this is that it’s basically silenced Trump. I feel like he’s barely been in the news this past week, and anything dumb he says gets washed away almost immediately. I feel like him saying “Floyd would be happy with these economic numbers” would have been an all weekend thing a month ago.
  13. Joe Biden says Frank Rizzo ‘should have never had a statue’ in Philly And with that, Biden has my vote.
  14. Despite his misgivings, he has a lot of sway amongst the black community and has done a lot to shed light on police brutality.
  15. No idea if this is a legit quote, but I completely read it in Biden’s voice.
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