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Everything posted by MarSolo

  1. So like, tonight is going to be considered a huge disaster in a few weeks, right? Like, there’s a good chance a lot of these people are from out of town, so odds are they’re bringing what they catch back to their home state.
  2. Indiana Jones is the poster boy of Antifa. No one punched Nazis like he did. And I found a replacement for Second Indiana Jones: President James Marshall.
  3. To be fair to Mount Rushmore... it’s the only reason anyone actually GOES to South Dakota. South Dakota shouldn’t be a state. Fuck it. Blow the faces off and replace them all with Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones, Han Solo, Indiana Jones again, and Jack Ryan.
  4. You know, if one of the “good cops” wants to accidentally plant some booze in Gaetz’s car, and then shoot him because they feared he might be belligerently drunk and hurt someone, I would say good job.
  5. I can’t wait to pirate this book like I did the Anonymous book. I wonder if Bolton leaks who he thought Anonymous was?
  6. Yes. I would like to travel to a nice beach and take my family there. The beach is NOT Wildwood which is an hour drive away from me, and my family is NOT my fat beagle who might eat better than me. I will take that four grand please.
  7. Remember, during the Republican primaries he was the only one saying he didn’t care about the bathroom issue and that Caitlyn Jenner could use whatever bathroom she wanted in Trump Tower.
  8. Right wingers always forget about that little thing called “investigations”.
  9. He’s right, if I keep fucking without a condom and never get tested, I don’t have AIDS.
  10. Oh, yikes! Everyone was saying he was asleep in the parking lot. My mistake.
  11. He’s the guy the Wendy’s manager called the cops on for sleeping in his car, right? So the guy took responsibility by knowing he had a drink or two and decides to sleep it off in a parking lot rather than endanger any lives. Fuck the police. Fuck Wendy’s. I’m glad that building got burned down.
  12. Yep, considering everything Trump has said and done over the years, especially since getting a Twitter account, I have no problem with him getting shit flung back at him.
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