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Everything posted by MarSolo

  1. “If he hadn’t been homeless he wouldn’t have been shot in the face.”
  2. After watching that video with the old man, I now understand why people just played the Grand Theft Auto video games to just get their character’s wanted level up so they can get into skirmishes with the cops.
  3. Would you take a drug because the President of the United States told you to? THIS PRESIDENT? It’s like getting cooking tips from Jeffrey Dahmer.
  4. If I’m not mistaken, Trump and his lawyers have been fighting tooth and nail to prevent it’s release.
  5. I wipe my ass with what Mattis has to say. Hey, remember when Bolton had a book coming out which is why he didn’t come before Congress? Hey, remember that Anonymous book? Good times. These cunts can go cunt themselves in their twats.
  6. Philly decided that on top of getting rid of the Rizzo statue, they’re getting rid of the mural in the Italian Market. I decided to make some improvements.
  7. I’m shocked Fox News took a week to do the “he might have been sex trafficking so the cops killed him” bit.
  8. Here’s where it’s revealed Stephen Miller told Trump that George Floyd is black, and Trump will finally “both sides” the issue.
  9. I’m not saying I’d be happy if Donald Trump were to be set on fire by these protestors, I’m just saying I wouldn’t waste my urine to put out the fire. Because he apparently likes that too much.
  10. Come on protestors and rioters, just head to DC already. Get the rope ready.
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