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Everything posted by MarSolo

  1. Non-answer? That’s fucking slander, she accused Scarborough of murder basically. Speaking of, Twitter 'deeply sorry' about Trump's tweets on Scarborough's late intern, but won't remove. But hey, let’s deep dive further:
  2. Widower Asks Twitter to Delete Trump's Tweets Suggesting Joe Scarborough Murdered Late Wife Jack has to pander to his white supremacist base so he won’t do anything.
  3. Asking whether it’s a bad look for a President to be wearing a mask DURING A FUCKING PANDEMIC is the dumbest shit ever. I was replying that at least Biden looked somewhat bad ass with the mask and shades combo.
  4. Amy Cooper apparently had a history of abusing the dog via Munchausen. Her social media is nothing but the dog getting sick or injured.
  5. Bragging about selling out two of the all time great movies. Try harder. Get people to buy tickets to shit movies and then I’ll be impressed. You sell out Ready to Rumble starring David Arquette, then I’ll give you props.
  6. If you ever wanted proof that Christians are full of shit, here you go. I thought God was everywhere?
  7. I absolutely forgot this thread existed until skillz mentioned it yesterday, so it definitely belongs here. Thank you.
  8. All the Christians support Trump now, so you gotta go to the forgotten devil now.
  9. Hey Satan, I know I don’t pray to ever, but could you like, I don’t know, do something? Help a brother out.
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