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Everything posted by marioandsonic

  1. But he was just arguing last week that collusion isn't a crime. If that's the case, then by his logic, what's the harm if Hillary colluded? I can't wrap my head around this.
  2. 40 hours of sick days that dont carry over. 80 hours of vacation days that do. I hate my job and low pay...
  3. So if the Dems and Hillary are guilty of collusion, is it not a crime then? Why does he care if they colluded then? I can't wrap my head around this logic.
  4. So essentially, if the Dems don't win the White House in 2020, we're all fucked.
  5. It's sad that despite that graph, obesity is still going up. Crazy. And yes, I know that there a LOT more factors into the obesity epidemic than soda, but still.
  6. I still love the occasional Coke, but since I started trying to lose weight, I've started drinking less of it, as well as a lot more water.
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