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Everything posted by marioandsonic

  1. I dont have any 401k or any kind of retirement plan. All I have is maybe $5k in savings in case of an emergency. Does that make me a bad person by their logic?
  2. If only there was some kind of commission that was created by the federal government to monitor and regulate companies that deal with communications that could've prevented this from happening...
  3. You're setting up some kind of false equivalency here. If the POTUS took away someone's press pass to the WH, then fair enough. But the fact that people in the WH are trying to justify it by claiming that they assaulted the woman trying to take away the mic, and then doctored the video to try and strengthen their claim...It's not sensationalist to point out how wrong that is.
  4. Yeah...I dont see what exactly is so heinous about his actions. And the fact that they edited the video is extra scummy. And even the edit doesn't look terrible.
  5. I mean, yeah, my pay increased, but only by about $20 per biweekly paycheck, which doesn't amount to much.
  6. Okay, I'm a bit more rational and calm now, seeing that the dems will all but certainly take the house at this point. I'm just going to be going through a period of change and uncertainly for the next couple of months. The training for the new job starts in two weeks and goes until after New Year's, and I'm temporarily moving back in with my parents on Friday because the commute from their house will be shorter and easier. I'm hoping that I get the job and then can then find my own apartment soon afterwards. But yeah, seeing Trump spend the last 2+ years trying to lead America towards the path to becoming Dumbfuckistan has not been good for my mental health. And there's still a lot of work to be done, especially in 2020. But at least for tonight, I can rest a bit easier.
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