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Everything posted by Ominous

  1. Pretty sure anyone talking to Trump was recording calls because they didn't trust his ass.
  2. I have the board just below the god like, and still thought it was stupid expensive for a motherboard.
  3. If you want anything with LAN faster than 2.5 Gbps on board and 4+ nvme slots it seems you need to go up in price.
  4. My Garmin Fenix 7x lasts weeks on a charge. It's not an android watch. I have a blended house. I have an android phone, wife has and iPhone and Apple watch. IPad, apple TV, android TV. The apple watch battery is too small to be practical for me.
  5. Death is inevitable. Our fear of it makes us play safe, blocks out emotion. It's a losing game, without passion you are already dead.
  6. Henry Ford's hate of Jazz andminorities is why so many schools had square dancing.
  7. I mean at what point is there a difference between bombing where you know civilians are, because you told them to go there, and just shooting them? I see no difference. Both sides suck. Both sides would Thanos the other side out of existence if they could. There is no good. There is no less bad. It's a fucked up situation that I suspect will never be resolved unless everyone comes to their right minds and realizes that killing over land or some made up religion(s) is insanity. Of all the penetration threads, this is the least enjoyable.
  8. Get Plex. Send me your user name or email registered with Plex. Set remote quality to Max. Assuming your internet isn't as slow as @best3444's parents internet...
  9. Oh for sure, I can't imagine the physical and mental pressure these soldiers are under. I wouldn't want to be a solider for any government that would use me as a pawn for their agenda. That's why I'd never enlist as an American. I don't think that's an option for people in Israel though, they have forced "service" right?
  10. Awaits getting stupid money to do easy work in 2024....
  11. It's cheap(ish), fast, and everywhere. It's popular because it's often the only option, like the fucking Dollar Stores that litter rural wasteland Murica. There isn't a single thing on their menu that is better than what you can get elsewhere...or at home. Convenience is king to most. It's like 7-11...who the fuck goes to 7-11? Everything is way overpriced....but because they are everywhere and often the only place open early or late it's where people go. TLDR: America won the race to the bottom because they just fell over and rolled down the hill.
  12. If you have the tastebuds of a child perhaps.
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