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Everything posted by Ominous

  1. People still argue on the internet? People still post on message boards? Losers
  2. Can anyone Republican go off brand and just admit that Trump is a sack of shit and terrible for the country?
  3. Not uncommon. https://www.mlive.com/news/detroit/2009/12/destroyed_in_july_tanker_explo.html
  4. It's a good source of protein too, most of which is from casein.
  5. Kid Rock... does he identify as a child or as a rock? Does he know rocks don't have parents so there isn't really any type of child rock. Also he's a no talent hack with 2 first names.
  6. Sugar is fine brah. Unless you are a diabetic or something....which is most of fat America so there is a good chance a lot of people on this board have the beat us.
  7. God is an American. I'm afraid of Americans. Jesus is an alien. You can hire him for $50 outside a Home Depot in San Diego.
  8. Funny how photos of aliens and big foot common when like 98 people had film cameras. Now everyone has a camera in their phone and it's radio silence.....
  9. My eye has been awfully dry the last few days and I think this is why. It's been super hazy, but the sky was actually blue today.
  10. God damn that's insane.
  11. Attack you for what? Are you like Andrew Tate meets Steven Crowder with some Clarence Thomas mixed together?
  12. But nothing is being shoved down your throat. It's a rainbow logo. It's a Facebook profile photo that is up for a month. It's people happy to not have to hide who they are.
  13. Sorry you have to acknowledge that gay people exist.
  14. Tell me how gay pride resulted in laws that criminalized being Christian.
  15. Molding what? Follow your religion, but don't "shove it down my throat" as they like to say and weaponize it to discriminate against people you don't agree with.
  16. Can you be any more vague? If you think gay people shouldn't be able to have the same protections as straight people, then yes you are a piece of shit.
  17. Not normally, but damn for someone that says she hates shopping it sure takes her for fucking ever.
  18. She either has an abundance of free time, or hates having any free time lol. In under 5 miles from my house there are roughly 20 full grocery stores including whole foods, trader Joe's, multiple Kroger, multiple target, multiple Meijer, Aldi, and a ton of local grocery stores and fruit markets. I remember my mom dragging me store to store as a kid and vowing to never be that way. Oh and yea we have Walmart too. 🀢
  19. Sounds like my wife. She'll go to 3 different stores when she could get all the same shit at any of the three. I think I'm a creature of habit and stick to one place because I know where everything is. No room to remember where the chia seeds are for 6 locations of 4 different store chains.
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