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Everything posted by Kamusha

  1. People are making a big deal about this because it’s KISS but a lot of other acts with “integrity” like Bruce Springsteen have already sold their catalog so they’re just following the trend of other legacy bands.
  2. Recently did a rewatch on Freaks and Geeks and I really appreciated his character more now that I’m older. An actor with both humor and pathos. I hold that show so close to my heart and I’m grateful for all the actors who made it work. RIP
  3. Resurrections had some interesting idea but suffered from surprisingly so-so action scenes. When you think of a Matrix movie with modern day effects you expect something visually mind-blowing and it sadly did not deliver in that department. The world is compelling enough that you could tell others stories within that world but at the same time it’s gonna be real hard to move beyond that OG cast. Even Resurrections suffers from the lack of Laurence Fishburne.
  4. They won’t be doing pop songs, they’ll be dinging standards like New York, New York. It will be a diegetic musical like A Star is Born, where singing is part of the story.
  5. Will Smith desperately needs this one to be a hit to regain some public goodwill so I’m interested to see how this one does because the stakes are much higher than usual.
  6. This is a good example of how to joke about this situation, btw. The butt of the joke is properly place and it doesn’t come across as flippant. The Onion are masters at this.
  7. I’m not religious but grew up religious so there’s a part of me that finds this to be the most offensive thing he’s done. 60 is a lot for even a hardcover Bible, much less a softcover one.
  8. Trailer visually looks really good but I literally facepalmed at the dark and ominous cover of Day-O. However it does have one of the best titles for a sequel ever.
  9. I hated Afterlife and went into this one with low expectations. Basically only saw it because I work at an indie theater and get to see movies for free. It’s more functional than Afterlife and has more humorous moments but it’s still not really a comedy. There’s too many characters and most of them are barely given anything to do. A better and less-safe movie would have focused more on the lesbian ghost relationship. Still, I was entertained enough at the time until the last 20 when it devolved into a CGI-goop fest.
  10. I was also sexually abused as a kid and I too don’t find those jokes funny. I’m all for joking about fucked up things but you wanna make sure the butt of the joke is properly placed and avoid coming across as too flippant. At least IMO. A classic and well-observed rule in comedy is “Comedy equals tragedy plus time”. While these abuses happened years ago this documentary is still very new and a lot of us are still processing it. I think if someone wants to joke about something as soon as the news hits that is their right but they don’t get to hide behind the “but it’s comedy!” defense either. When you knowingly break accepted rules in comedy you have to accept it may not go over well.
  11. I’m sure all of Putin’s opponents that died from suicide have nothing to do with him either. Just silly conspiracy theories really. An unwavering trust in what the media tells you is not gonna help you if/when our country goes full-fascist. Better start questioning everything now. I’m not saying Boeing was definitely involved, but the circumstances are to fishy for me to say there is now way they weren’t involved. I know as little about what really happened as anyone here really, I just don’t pretend to know for certain.
  12. Fucking amazing and lived up to the hype. Part one was good but felt a little underwhelming because it was all setup. From minute one of pt 2 I was mesmerized and I couldn’t look away for 3 hours. For me personally I knew I was hooked because I didn’t get up to pee once.
  13. I fail to see how Trump’s increasingly violent and fascist rhetoric doesn’t matter. We can’t just ignore this stuff anymore because we know his supporters are willing to storm the capitol over him, and they’ve only become more zealous and angry since January 6. I guess some haven’t learned the lesson from that day either.
  14. Listen, with fascism in America imminent I may not be around for much longer. I have made peace with the idea that my days may be numbered. But before that happens I will use every opportunity I can to speak out about the dangers we are heading into. I will not go silently. I don't care if people disagree with me, history will validate me, even though I may not live to see that validation take place.
  15. I don't think Trump promising to be a dictator is a pet issue, it is a top issue that every America should be talking about.
  16. Because I lost my career due to anti-LGBT legislation and now am dishwasher in a restaurant. I haven't been able to save money as fast as I hoped. But the plan was always to try to move by the end of the year. Hopefully that still works out.
  17. No, not really, you are defending a user who is arguing that those with a platform do not have the duty to warn America about how dangerous the Republican party is. Look, as a trans person in Florida I'm used to everyone being against me and telling me I'm wrong. I'm used to not being taken seriously. None of this is new. But fascism will be coming at the end of this year and soon I will be validated. I won't feel good about being right here, but hopefully those who are arguing with me now will realize how wrong they were when my life is in danger.
  18. No, he is saying that those with a platform don't have a duty to warn America about how dangerous the Republican party has become. And who does the Republican party threaten the most? Trans people. So he is arguing that Stewart shouldn't have to warn America about a dangerous party that is threatening the lives of queer people. And I did see that episode and thought it was good. That why I was disappointed by last week's episode, because I expected more from Stewart after seeing his trans episode.
  19. No it is not. Why are you defending someone who is arguing for silence when trans people's lives are being threatened by the rise of fascism?
  20. I have blocked Paperclyp because I refuse to debate someone who argues that those with a platform should not be warning Americans about fascism. What an awful, awful, position. I'm ashamed to have participated in a conversation with someone who argues for silence as the right uses genocidal language against queer people.
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