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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Compared to Annoying Orange it's like the Godfather of kid's shows.
  2. Skipped over my question SMH. Might have to start agreeing with Best about you soon
  3. It's been more than a week and the number of PC users around here is slim already. Also, the reason I have an extra code is because they gave it away free for PC like 2 years ago. So you're probably in the clear by now.
  4. Not only giving because of love giving away beef too!
  5. Most likely Newcastle upon Tyne
  6. Wordle 1,036 4/6* ⬛⬛⬛🟧⬛ ⬛⬛⬛🟧🟦 🟦🟧⬛🟧🟧 🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧 Framed #771 🎥 🟩 ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ https://framed.wtf 🕹️ Gamedle: 20/04/2024 🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ > https://gamedle.wtf
  7. [Plex] 24 Hours to Live: 6/10 If you had told me a movie that has both Ethan Hawke and Rutger Hauer could somehow be bad I wouldn't have believed you, but here we are. This movie is like Crank meets [insert movie where guy is the best spy/secret agent ever]. Hawke plays Travis, a mercenary / hitman, that is on hiatus until a megacorp comes to call upon his services. The mission is to kill a whistleblower that is going to spill their secrets to Interpol. Now the reason that Travis was on hiatus is because he was mourning the loss of his wife and son, so when one of his additional tasks is to kill the female Interpol agent that also has a son he begins to second guess himself. This second guessing leads to his death but he's brought back to life by some scientists and this is also the big revelation of what the whole hubbub is about the whistleblower and this and that. It feels kind of silly and also the film doesn't seem to make it feel like a big deal even though this whole resurrection thing is the entire purpose of the movie. But this is just many of the problems the film has with many aspects of the film is that it glosses over anything that's important. Sure it's sad Travis' family is dead but the film never lets us emotionally connect with them so we don't really care. All the movie cares about is going from point A to point B with some cool action stuff, and the film is pretty good at that. However, the rest of the movie feels like it's trying to punch above it's weight and not succeeding.
  8. Are we talking about @Spork3245? It's his birthday cunt! (according to the boards)
  9. Did you see two dope boys in a Cadillac?
  10. For some reason my neighbor bought a Tesla, just the regular car though not the cybertruck. But it's weird because all he drives are big trucks and SUVs. 🤔
  11. You lose 100% of the shots you don't take? New footage shows woman who used dead uncle to ‘sign’ bank loan arriving by taxi — with driver helping move the body WWW.YAHOO.COM Érika de Souza Vieira Nunes claimed she didn't know her uncle was dead.
  12. Pretty terrible if you saw what they did to crunchyroll and the other service and rightstuf. Fuck Sony.
  13. Acyn (@acynig) on Threads WWW.THREADS.NET Meiselas: What I’m hearing from credible sources is that Donald Trump is actually farting in the courtroom… I’m hearing it from actual credible people that as he’s kind of falling asleep, he’s...
  14. So you're better than Michael Jordan at something?
  15. In any case this is just one among many overblown things about the game that spawned clickbait articles and endless threads saying "wtf this happened" when it would have been great to experience it for myself instead of having to worry about this game ending thing, which from what I understand only gets that way if you are super neglectful.
  16. Well, I did throw my pawn in the water as a precaution but they managed to swim out, and didn't get brined. So I said fuck it let's see if this goes down. And it didn't. Supposedly the turnaround on it is 10 days until it gets out of control and yeah I've had nothing, not even warning signs.
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