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Jack of Some Trades
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Everything posted by Emblazon

  1. As much as it pains me to say it, Blue Moon's Cinnamon Horchata is one of my favorite beers. I'd also drink anything Blue Moon before I ever had any Sam Adams/Sierra Nevada/Stone.
  2. Yeah, Samsung doesn't do updates. And when they do, you then still have to wait for the carrier to go over it and add their bloatware before pushing the update out.
  3. On a side note, and here's an example, reddit embeds don't seem to be appearing properly. I've looked into the code, and it's all pulling from Embedly, which I can't change, and there doesn't seem to be any CSS on the site here that directly affects the embed.
  4. And no where did I say I would not read the book. But I also said that the two aren't integrally related. Not unlike the recent MEG movie, where the only thing that the book and movie have in common is a giant shark, and some character names. Literally everything was changed, down to character backstories and the fucking color of the shark.
  5. He's hardly in it. And I had written a bunch more, but chose to delete it as I didn't want to turn the thread into a book vs movie thread.
  6. Where do I insinuate that "scary" is in any way related to cheap/jump scares? Go watch my favorite horror film, Session 9, then get back to me on that.
  7. The Southern Tier Cold Press Coffee Pumking is pretty damn good. Much better than the regular Pumking.
  8. Oh, I forgot about Sega--I was half way through my contract when they laid off half the department... how did they decide who was let go and who stayed on? Whoever stayed to work OT the night before the layoffs got to stay on. All who went home at 5pm were let go. True story.
  9. Getting the free game is what really put it over the top and got me to wait a week or so to get the system. With our house, we have two of everything, and due to Triage's spine issues, whenever we play together or at the same time she exclusively gets the projector and downstairs systems (which are all hardwired) because she needs to lay down and play to not aggravate her spine (we went out and got our current couch specifically so she could always have a spot to lay down and still face the screen). This means I get the bedroom TV/systems... which is wireless, because the master bedroom is on a different level (2nd floor) and on the other side of the house from where the router is. All that being said, we have two launch PS4s, mine is downstairs, and hers is in the bedroom. A few years ago we had a lightning strike hit right next to our house and knocked out a lot of power, and more or less fried her PS4--she sent it in to Sony, they "fixed" it, and sent it back to us. So, it's already a gimpy PS4 and only capable of wireless N, so that's the system that's being upgraded. Technically, it's her system being switched out (Congrats Triage!), but it's the system I do all my gaming on, and it's the one the VR is hooked up to. The upgrade is enormous across the board for us/that room. As a funny aside, the way PS works within the same household is hilarious--the system downstairs is my "primary" PS4, the one upstairs is her "primary" PS4. I play her digital Destiny upstairs, and she has my disc version downstairs. My PS Plus expired, but because I'm on her "primary" system, I'm still able to use all online gaming features. I purchased all the Destiny expansions, and because she plays on my "primary" PS4, she's able to play all Destiny related content. . Now that we know how everything works, we'll only be getting digital from here on out, so we only ever have to get one of anything... well, aside from RDR2.
  10. Meh. Horror novels just aren't scary (to me). Besides, the 1999 film The Haunting (which was meh) seems to be more based on the novel than this show. Don't expect much similarity to the book, aside from some names.
  11. Just finished. Best thing I've seen this year. Holy fuck was the entire thingy brilliant from start to finish. My eyes were definitely a little wet for the final half hour.
  12. Oh, and also--after that crunch time? It's not uncommon for companies to lay off their contractors en masse. So, who wants a job in the video game industry?
  13. Wait, you all thought I was serious about that rite of passage crap? You all remember I'm the king of hyperbole, right? The actual hours that I posted happened, but I wouldn't wish that crap on anyone. I can't imagine how the salaried employees dealt with it. Most people that work those hours in test are younger, early 20s, and not settled down yet. Of course there are exceptions, but for the most part it's one giant HR violating frat fest. And California labor laws for hourly employees greatly favor the employee. At 100 hours in a week, that's 40 hours at time, 40 hours at time and a half, and 20 hours of double time. That's not a bad week of pay. Also, the jobs I'm referring to are entry jobs, similar in starting pay to that of fast food employees. THAT'S an industry with fucked up conditions and standards. But for upper level and salary? Big fat nope. And as I said before--salaried EA employees sued EA a few years ago and won, so I'm really surprised it's still happening and they haven't unionized.
  14. We were hourly. If I was salary I'd have told them to go fuck themselves then sued the shit out of them, not unlike what happened to EA a few years back.
  15. There's a pretty substantial boost graphically, wireless (which is what I use), USB 3 for an external drive, and a HUGE jump for PSVR (which I also have). And games like GoW have performance boost modes on the Pro that are irrespective of resolution. While I'd rather play RDR2 on the X, our current lack of 4K, and the advantages mentioned above are the reason I wanted to jump to the Pro before the X.
  16. Yawn. 100 work weeks are like a rite of passage in the industry. No one takes you serious until you've literally put in your time. Like having come into the platoon late, and none of your fellow soldiers give you the time of day until you've been through a battle with them. I've been there both on Jak II and SOCOM II. I think one weekend I had 20+ Red Bulls... no sure how I'm still alive. You were never allowed to put in over 20 hours straight. But we'd sleep in our cars for 4 hours and come right back, or some people would bring sleeping bags and pass out under their stations. Though, one time, they got away with working us for 38 hours straight on The Getaway. Not sure how that worked, but it had something to do with starting late at night and the midnight rollover reset something.
  17. Pre-ordered the RDR2 PS4 Pro bundle!!! All that's left is to trade in a PS4 next Thursday and I'll be good to go. You all rock!
  18. Sadly, no. 60" 1080 3D in the bedroom, and 122" 1080 3D projector in the family room. Next year we'll probably upgrade one of the two.
  19. We have an episode and a half left. Absolutely love it. There was a moment in episode 8 that had @Triage literally flinch back and scream at the top of her lungs. It was glorious. And the direction and camera work in episode 6 was nothing short of spectacular. This is one of my two favorite shows this year (the other being Cobra Kai).
  20. Or call Abe Lincoln Thomas Jefferson... when the name is directly over the statue. This thread was more about to the commercial than commentary on the phone--I'm sure the Pixel 3 is a perfectly wonderful phone, still with the best-in-class camera. But that commercial shows us that Idiocracy is a lot less than 500 years away.
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